

on the way out the door they sang “Silent night” (a few lines not even the whole song) in EVERY language BUT ENGLISH

You know, Dems had a credible person. But what happen is that people DID NOT GO OUT AND VOTE.

Seriously, I just want to be like, "I promise we're not all bad!! Indy is actually pretty cool!"

Did you see Jason Collins' comment?

Please know that MANY people in Indiana vehemently oppose this law and business owners are speaking out against it. Don't punish all Hoosiers for the idiotic political antics of a few. I am confident that this will get overturned in a court the very first time someone is denied service and brings a case. In the

#NotAllHoosiers ?

I hope some small business puts up a sign that says, " According to our sincerely held religious beliefs in treating others with kindness and working to support everyone, we now are forced by the Governor to let him and all legislatures who voted for the recent law to know that we will not serve them here. The

In fairness, the Disciples of Christ church has threatened to move their convention from Indianapolis in protest of this law and I've seen at least one business owner that I know is Christian come out in protest (probably others that I don't know as well). If you refused to engage with any Christians in Indiana, you'd

This law will be repealed the second a Muslim business owner refuses to serve a Christian patron. Remember, religious discrimination only goes one way.

Aren't conventions the primary industry in Indianapolis? I imagine there are a lot of angry people with skin in that game right now.

It's not surprising in the least. Mike Pence (and Mitch Daniels before him) have done their best to make Indiana the most embarrassing state in the Midwest. Wisconsin gets all the pub, but, Indiana has secretly been the absolute worst. This is a guy who is destroying public education in Indiana, refused Medicaid

yes, this. If you don't tip the server is essentially paying to serve you.

Incorrect. You're not screwing them over at most places, because the server's tip-out in the vast majority of restaurants is based on sales rather than tips. Everyone else gets paid regardless; it just comes out of the server's pocket.

I know right?! I said elsewhere, but like, this woman (and others) who think that servers are swimming in cash because of tipping, LEAVE YOUR SHITTY RETAIL JOB AND START WAITING TABLES THEN. Oh, you don't want to? Hmmm. Maybe it's not as easy to make a bazillion dollars as you say, and you know that.

There are a LOOOOOT of stories in here about women who found their partner cheated on them, met up with the person who was also being cheated on, and then let the cheater come home to them hanging out/showed up somewhere at the same time, or else did something else that would put the cheater in some physical

Got it and insults certainly make you the better person.

Can we have a round of applause for all of the awesome managers this week? There is nothing more satisfying than a manager that has your back when a customer is being an asshole.