
I'm sorry you had to deal with this chick but I'm happy the barista recognized your struggle and comped your drink. The shitty thing about this is that your friend knew she was insufferable and invited her along anyway because she felt obligated. Those kinds of people shouldn't be given any kind of dispensation

NO. No judging. The beauty of this game is that we all accept that humans have moments of weakness and THAT WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER and you are RUINING IT.

This was completely over the top, and I should be embarrassed, but if I'm being honest? This is one of my favorite stories about myself.

The time when Depo was the hot new thing on the market, and my gyno forgot to tell me that it isn't recommended for people who have depression before she stuck my ass with 1 years worth of estrogen (back in the day it was an annual affair).

This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.

I'm normally a very nice person who values politeness and kindness- until this one day. I had just moved from a pedestrian-friendly city to one that required a car, and was still adjusting to car culture when I got really sick and had to go to the doctor. The office was in one of the busiest areas of the city, and I

everyone does know, except Lena Dunham

I'm sorry, I really love Kathy Griffin, but what the fuck is she talking about? Her entire comedy schtick, for the past 20 years, has been making fun of celebrities' personal lives, emotional problems, and yes, their looks mercilessly. She made jokes about how 'crack-y' Whitney Houston sounded in all of her comebacks,

I didn't have cable, but I used to fall asleep to the same VHS (usually Bridget Jones Diary) every night because I refused to sleep without the TV on. The VHS player would rewind itself and start over when the movie was over.

Depends... .. ..... . are there grapes on the plate?

"a normal haistyle?" We're doing this now?

whenever someone says that ("would you like fries with your order") as an insult to demean someone I cringe
what the fuck is wrong with having a job. that comment is so fucking classist and gross. get over yourself

Still a better love story than Twilight.

It's one thing to have a virgin grasshopper, daiquiri, etc.

It's reading things like these that reinforce my opinion that everyone in the general public needs to work in the service industry for one year just to gain a different perspective of how their food comes to them. Think of how much better tips would be and how much easier service type jobs would be

So at this place, everything tastes like ham?

And Run DMC and Aerosmith!

I have to add, as someone with diverticulitis, ground nuts are perfectly okay but while nuts or seeds aren't. Now it's not an allergy, but sometimes it's easier to explain it as a allergy rather than go through a while medical explanation.

You wouldn't like me a server; because chances are I carried you plate out of sight, waited a few minutes and the brought the same one back.