
Dear C.A Pinkham,

Snake oil sounds like an all-natural product.

Yes, there's a decent chance of this. But there's also a chance they'll be able to replace the leaking roof. Pay the church secretary who has always had to volunteer. Expand their soup kitchen. Dole out some emergency funds to the sick and elderly who are about to have some service or other cut off. Plenty of churches

Those ungrateful Poors. Obviously wasting money they clearly don't deserve.

Editor's note: We used the male pronoun in this piece because there has been no official confirmation from Jenner about a transition, nor has Jenner made clear any preference regarding pronouns. Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or concerns.

Making the pumpkin peach ale thing even dumber: Just last week AB InBev bought a craft brewer in Seattle called Elysian, who made a pumpkin peach Amber ale called Gourdgia On My Mind.

I mean this sincerely: there is no way to say the phrases "I will argue against the servers" and "think these servers need to suck it up," without being an AWFUL human being.

The phrase "fur babies" makes me viscerally ill.

this is it. this is the one. here we go.

You can stop now, Midwestern Christians are not an oppressed group.


Didn't Peaches Geldoff go the same way as her mother? I want to say heroin OD at home, discovered by her young kid?

Breaking: You can be a female woman-hater.

rambo w a woman? would watch.

for any of you beautiful souls who might need it.

  • James Middleton really hates being Kate's brother. James is the owner of a company "that allows Instagram users to put their pictures on marshmallows." [People]

+1 taco flavored kiss

I spent an incredibly surreal Father's Day dinner seated with my parents at a table next to OJ Simpson, his older daughter, the two kids he had with Nicole Brown, his mother, and some girlfriend that was probably younger than his oldest daughter.

Unpopular opinion: Tom Hiddleston ain't shit. And that photo is a total boner killer.

Cutler is so close to texting in all haikus. He probably just leaves the extra syllable for Gould.