
And if they are too young to be vaccinated, keep them away from kids that aren't.

You need to drink a bottle of wine for 15 year old you.

Serious question: If the league allows players with (e.g.) ADHD to get exemptions to use drugs like Adderall that might otherwise be banned, why can't they have a process for allowing people like Lynch - who, if the armchair shrinks are right, may have a diagnosable social-anxiety-type disorder - to have an exemption

I actually bothered the Netflix customer service rep about the My Little Pony news because it's my kid's favorite show,and she said that they're trying to renegotiate the license but it hasn't come through yet. Which I take with a pinch of salt given the source, but it was nice to hear the Elements of Harmony may

When Bill Bellichick heard the news of this report earlier tonight, he promptly fired the team's equipment manager for failing to do his fucking job right by not under-inflating that 12th goddamned football.

There is no way to tell these are Dirt Bags from the mobile home page. This has been a problem for a while now (not a specific complaint to Karen). Can Jezebel standardize this somehow? Either have everyone bold the celebrity names even in the big paragraphs, or write Dirt Bag IN the title, or tell the programmers to

Yes! People are like how dare she buy new clothing....but ew why is she wearing that again.

What are you? New?

To be frank, I don't think it is possible to be insensitive towards the North Korean Military. Do we call caricatures of Nazis insensitive?

So? How did you feel when you watched the Wire?

it looks like cupping.

His comments about the movie in general make me really not like him. You'd think he sold monogrammed coffee thermoses or something.

*takes bow*

That gif is so mesmerizing, I can't stop staring at it.

My favorite kind of missed connections are when I run into guys that were homophobic to me and I see them at the gay club.

Cats would never do this to anyone— they just don't have the attention span. This is why I will marry my cat and live happily ever after.

I quit a cult and half my family when I was 16. I grew up in the cult. Think Jehovah's Witness, but a bit weirder. I went to this fundamentalist church's private school where I got straight As but was mostly disliked by the other students for being a goody-two shoes. I studied the Bible all the time, was not allowed

Now playing

My friend and I worked in the photo department of a Genovese Pharmacy. We had a terrible manager so we started coming up with ideas of how we would quit. She went with a singing telegram dressed like a gorilla with a bow in her hair. The lyrics were brilliant: