
Not to get all srs fucking business over here, but I got hit by a drunk driver when I was 20. I now have chronic, seemingly permanent (after 10 years), pain. So uh, fuck this bitch. It should be fashionable to not be a total asshole.

I know it seems Mark wrote it thinking we all watched the show. Good questions you asked.

I'm confused. Is Pumpkin a person? If so, how old is this person? Why is this person named Pumpkin?

She wasn't in the wall. She'd slipped back into her native tenth dimension for further instructions and training, as all cats do from time to time.

Exactly. No matter what kind of money these people are pulling in, there's no way they could afford the two vehicles per cat suggested by veterinarians.

I bet it flattened itself out, went right through a seam in the wall.

Jia, I totally agree, and I'm even going to let "talented person" slide by without anything more than minor side-eye, because I fully admit that's me being a bitch. Lena has been flooded with "OMG HOW DARE THIS LUMPY CHICK GET NAKED" for so long that it overshadows legitimate criticism. And lord, there is a lot to

"kids are super weird" doesn't cover a 17 year old Lena coercing her sister to sleep in her bed so she can look at her while she masturbates... don't you think?

I don't understand people who complain to the server about the prices. I tell tables "I didn't make the prices. Feel free to go to our website and complain. Would you like water with extra lemons and sugar?"

I'm going to assume this means everything in the restaurant breaks down and goes to shit every December, and you can't convince me otherwise.

Yesterday's FUCKED ME UP and now of course I'm reading thees. I hate myself.

I've been hearing this bullshit since 1966 (my earliest Halloween memory). Not once in the past 47 years have I heard of or been given free drugs especially not at Halloween. 1986 doesn't count because piles of 'free' coke incurred a lot of oral sex expectations.

I can't believe I'm writing this've actually outdone yourself. You have found a whole new and exciting level of racist assholery that's managed to demean and denigrate both whites AND blacks, women AND men!

That one has to be bull-shit. Who the fuck see's glowing eyed Jesus in a non dream-like state and still sleeps up there the next night, let alone ever again!

FWIW, I refuse to read the Goat Man story all the way through.

the goat man story has kept me up all week :( i keep looking at my floor like some crazy lit up jesus thing is going to be there. i don't know what i read these stories but i.can't.stop.

It's from Flava of Love and just seeing this gif makes me wish I could marathon that show all over again.

And that it happened with someone in bed right next to you...