
It appears I was wrong. Not every OS allows you to do it. Apple being Apple and not letting you override the setting.

Agree. My iPhone picks up the Xfinitywifi hotspot as I drive home and connects to that, then won’t switch to my home network when I get home, at which point the hotspot signal is just barely there. I have to sit and wait for a webpage to take forever to load before I remember to go to and connect to my home network.

Is something like this possible in an iOS device? Terribly annoying that my device prefers hotspots to my home Wi-Fi.

Does this work the same for other desktop and mobile OSes? Given the general headline it seems odd that the entire article is on macOS and doesn’t mention Windows, Android, and iOS.

Pai also argued that by rolling back the government oversight, the competition would encourage ISPs to spend more on their broadband networks and increase high-speed internet access across the United States.

I checked the H-1B filings for the company I worked for :)

If they are just rolling it out, why base it on SMS which seems to be on the way out. They should have used Authenticator.

I finally went full on OneNote because Evernote seems to just be on death watch to me now. Of course, I realize it’s a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy because of that, but

Same here. I was using EN for years, but the price increase for premium pushed me to ON last year, and the privacy stuff last month made me even more wary. ON also allows me to ink on a note, rather than separating ink and other content.

I’m a bouncer too. For me, Evernote has finally won because:

Tried Photomyne on an iPad 3 and it produced pretty terrible results. Perhaps that’s why Photoscan is only compatible with the newer models of iPhones/iPads the one’s with improved cameras.

nothing “soon” that I know of, especially since there are so many tools out there, but I’ll definitely mention it to everyone :D

With the new iMessage updates, some of the fancy updates (ex.- double tap for a beating heart animation) have no indication of being sent. Instead, you double tap a few times and realize you’ve sent the message many times over without knowing it until you exit back to the main texting screen.

*Still stubbornly refuses to delete Skitch*

I do both. My retirement accounts (where the big money is) are basically filled with index funds with some stock from companies I worked for. My brokerage accounts (far less money but still not insignificant) is filled with individual stocks from a select few high performing companies that I know pretty well and most

We adding support for Strava and other apps soon.

It’s really helpful in situations like this to just plan a day when you’ll each go do your own separate thing. You don’t have to spend every moment together if you’ve got different goals for the trip.

As soon as it happens I am THERE. I was using Paribus before the 2FA switch and you guys are great.

Thanks for the kind words! Wanted to add two key: