Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:
Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:
Genetics. For both the looks and the PMS. Sorry.
I cannot imagine how uncomfortable I would be as a woman to read an interview that reads like the writer used his boner instead of his pen to write it.
‘Your brain for example- is so minute, Baldrick, that if a hungry cannibal cracked your head open, there wouldn’t be enough to cover a small water biscuit.’
You can fuck right off with that bullshit.
I knew this story wasn’t what it was croc’d up to be.
Don’t worry, you can’t offend me.
Damn it Becky/Chad, we get it! You drank cow's blood with the Masai and you held one of their kids. Sheesh.
Every time I see a trailer or anything I feel like Jared Leto is playing Miley Cyrus playing the Joker, and it’s so obvious that I don’t know why more people aren’t saying it. This isn’t even a criticism, it’s amazing, he gets it spot on.
Madonna looks as stupid as one of those British celebs who say “I love America” but really mean “I love Manhattan below 110th, a few parts of Los Angeles, and perhaps San Francisco."
White women. Saving Africa, one selfie at a time. ;)
Photographers gotta eat too.
As do I, there’s far too few badass old ladies in video games.
Heart of Darkness: needs more white ladies 2/10 would not read again
In tribute to Ms. Linton, I am also announcing my new memoir, recounting the time I sailed up the Congo River to search for a mysterious ivory trader named Kurtz.
Zambillion Little Pieces.
Sooooo, her bio says she’s currently 29, which makes her 12 years of age in 1999, the year she says she lived alone in “the jungle with big spiders and poor little children with AIDS and, and, and . . . insert cliche here.”