Did you know he used to direct Lionel Ritchie videos? With splosions.
Did you know he used to direct Lionel Ritchie videos? With splosions.
I have no idea what's going on in 8bits, but...uh...it's pretty?
New and worrying prospect: Tree obesity!
...and suddenly, Don McLean is in my head singing Starry, Batty Night. The things you do to me, io9.
@FrankN.Stein: You beat me to it, damn you!
EXPLANATION OF WORK. Erastic_cells: The people in the train gets noisy when being swayed, but be back as normal gradually.
@Brangdon: Good point. But I hope no one expects cult material — it's not entertaining-bad. They couldn't even manage to make a high-camp car crash of it.
@Wolfsheim: Final class: Staring at Goatse.
Hate to say I told you so, but...told you so. LISTEN TO THE EUROPEANS, PEOPLE. We are occasionally right. And we had the good fortune of only having to suffer this as a rental (which I thankfully get for free).
I'm not really familiar with the series, but based on these clips I'd say she deserved several Emmys for keeping a straight face.
Fear the Orcopter!
You said "pretty damn awesome" twice. Can't blame you though. This is amazing and sad and...I need a blanket and a cup of cocoa, stat.
@vrey_oneida: NOOO! Eye bleach, eye bleach...
@Makidian: The box said "For a more festive grey goopocalypse!tm"
@Foohy: The girl on the left is in the process of being eaten by a fuzz monster, which you have to admit is cool. On the right: Gabbana of Borg. In the middle: ...I give up.
Yay! *Throws self-replicating nano-fetti*
@FrankN.Stein: National anthems need lyrics.
@hungryemo: Absolutely agree. Let's see, what did I write about this? Ah yes.
It doesn't hold up on DVD, so I very much doubt it will in the theatre (been out for months here). Should have been left on the shelf. Not even Ian McShane as Grizzled Old Cop can make it interesting or un-ludicrous. So avoid.