
What the fuck is this country doing yall. Some days it’s just too much. Some days it’s even more than that. People are mad and angry... rightfully so. I understand the temperature of America right now. In the back tho? My cousin was murdered with two shots to the back. Cowardly. Just cowardly. 

Years ago when I was married, my now ex, would constantly tell me “401ks wont be a thing in a few years. Don’t waste your money.”. I was the only one working at the time. Fast forward 12 years during our divorce. “I want half of your 401k!” Nah, im good. 

You would think that after a certain time of inactivity, they would try to get ahold of you to give you a little nudge like, “Hey hambone, did you know you have $6k up in hur?” 

“Throttling” always sounds so dirty to me. 

[Cake] “I’ve had a really long day and just want to sit down with a glass of wine and put my feet up.”
[Me] “I hear you cake. Here. It’s a new merlot I picked up yesterday.
[Also Me] “Wow, you’re really moist.”


I prefer a good ol’ fashion “Talk to the hand, because you smell like ham!”
If that doesn’t work, I go with the trusty slap upside the head and ask my customer if they would like seconds. 

My 9 year old son is going to be severely disappointed this year. He has been jacked for weeks about what he is going to be for Halloween and how he intends to get a pillowcase full of candy this year. He wanted to be some Fortnite character also.... Im gonna have to get creative this year. 

Plastic putty knife.
Filet open.
Lay Flat
Slide from top to bottom.
You’re welcome.

We constantly call each others play list “trash”. It’s a love hate relationship. 

Now I know how my parents felt when I was bump’n N2Deep - Back to Hotel. 

Nope. Thank you. 

The white delegation has hereby released said white folk and put them on waivers. #notakebacks 


Came here to drop that as well. Bravo. I appreciate you if they don’t.

I have found at my gym, its the same people at the same time. I go about 530am and its the same ol gym rats. We, for the most part, spray every piece down after usage and keep pretty good distance. The cleaning habits there appear to be better than a grocery store or gas station. I dont see a higher risk than anywhere

Solid list. My only addition which would be interchangeable with most of these was Onyx - Slam. That shit lit a fire in my soul. 

The Raiders may be better than people think.” As a Raiders fan, I appreciate you. Jacobs is going to put people on notice. 

I got the Anthrax vaccine when I was in the Navy prior to a WestPac deployment and it fucking rocked my world. Holy shit. First of all it knocked me out cold... like I hit the right after and crashed. Woke up next day and it felt like someone hit me in my shoulder with a fucking sledge hammer. I could not put on my

This. All day.