
Yeah, exactly. I was highly confused why the question was even entertained, much less answered! Do your research, people.

And while we’re on the subject, they did show HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED as a teenager and he wasn’t awkward at all. He was a manipulative little shit who took out Moaning Myrtle and framed Hagrid.

I couldn’t tell if the letter writer, Drew, and editor (hah!) all were taking a shit on Fantastic Beasts for being bad or if they all genuinely had no idea

Isn’t this literally what the Fantastic Beast movies are? The first one was pure tripe and the next one has Johnny Depp playing Wizard Hitler so I’m not holding my breath on it being much better.

What if the movie theatre was exclusively (true) IMAX-3D, had an immersive animatronic laser/light show and trapeze (with lessons) out front, AND IT WAS ALL IN A FURNITURE STORE?

You’re complaining that the entire point of the movie was agreeing with you?

This one was my personal favorite:

It is so sad that the same men who care (or claim to care) about oppressed women amd girls in oppressed nations will pound their ape-assed chests whenever successful women in their own countries try to occupy the same stage as them.

More non-3D options. I mostly hate 3D, but when a movie opens it’ll be on six screens in 3D or 4D (at an exorbitant price) at multiple times, but only on one screen in 2D at a really awkward time.

Not listed: the Lifehacks that commenters tore apart for factual inaccuracies.

I disagree about piping—you don’t need to get fancy with a piping bag and complicated designs. But putting your mashed and seasoned yolks into a plastic bag and then cutting off a small corner makes filling the halved whites about ten times faster. Plus, there’s less of a risk of tearing or otherwise marring the

Up until now it’s been because we shouldn’t need laws like that. Because the whole advise-and-consent process is supposed to weed out dangerously underqualified candidates without consideration of partisan politics. One thing the Trump administration is showing is every crack and break in the process that has been

*Mother starts to open gift*
Mother: “What the hell is this?”
Me: “It’s Smeg, ma!”

Now all we need is the article on all the things people shoved up their asses this year and 2017 will be complete!

If Netflix knows what I’m watching all the time, then why does it have to keep asking me if I’m still watching?

This seems like: Don’t heat sealed things in the Microwave! Puncture your potatoes before you put them in, puncture your eggs before you put them in. Sealed things, heated in the microwave, explode, this is not a new phenomenon.

Can we stop calling stomach ailments the flu though? This just leads more people to believe that the flu vaccine doesn’t work every time they get diarrhea or vomit.

  • Parents paying college costs could be missing out on almost $80,000 in retirement savings. More than a quarter of parents with adult children are paying or have paid for their children’s tuition or student loans.

Should have been Ezra, damnit!!!

these twerps clearly haven’t finished PLL or seen that massive hot mess of a “resolution” or they wouldn’t be so inspired by it.