
My brother likes to give me books for Christmas and he always tapes the wrapping paper right in the middle of the front cover and it rips when I open it :-(

TV magic!

Teen pregnancy rates are going down across the board, yes, but they are still very high in the specific areas that do not do a good job teaching sex-ed. And in some of those places the rate is rising.

A problem when I was taking Sex Ed was that a lot of guys claimed to need an extra-large condom because OMG they are soooooo big. In reality, extra-large condoms would fall off because they are not that big.

Where did you get “dragon” from? The article you linked says it’s a phoenix.

I don’t think that checks out. There’s not much size similarity a penis and a baby, and she clearly goes to the gyno regularly since she was there for a pap smear when she got inseminated. Plus the limiting factor for childbirth is generally the cervix, not the vagina.

Jane the Virgin ended up avoiding the ethical issues by having Jane decide she did not want to have an abortion, nor did she want to sue the GYN. And also she ended up getting together with the father of the baby (and then breaking up and then getting back together and then breaking up. It is a telenovela, after all.)

“yeah, it would! When are you and dad going to have another kid?”

At Bubbles you can get a loyalty card and they’ll keep your stylist’s name on file and sometimes other info like your hair color if you get it colored. It wouldn’t be too hard for them to add a picture and set a precident for other hair-cutting-places.

Interesting. I have a decent-sized gap under my door, but about 3 inches inside the door is thick carpet, so I have never found a draft blocker that would still allow the door to open over the carpet. I’ll have to give this one a try (since I already have all the materials!)

So, we hate giant insects, but we also hate the animal that eats the giant insects so that they don’t get us?

I think you mean TV Land

They have some other, smaller-scale programs like that. I know that when you buy a lamp or a lightbulb, $1 goes toward UN Refugee Agency.

Is there somewhere I can donate my collection of 239,048 tiny metal wrenches? I’d like to help.

Two days and no correction?


Clemson University*

Then hold your IV pole in your left hand, I guess?

Jane did mention that abortion was an item on a long list of options, but decided against it since Rafael is now sterile (among other reasons). I think the show was clear that abortion was not an option for *Jane*, which makes sense given her character, but the show never said anything about abortion being wrong in a