
I would have waved those boxes in his face.

Can’t they just make them broccoli-shaped or something?

A lot of cable companies will have free preview weekends for HBO, Starz, Cinemax, etc where you can watch those premium channels (including On-Demand!) for free for 2 or 3 days. Perfect for binge-watching. Just keep an eye out for a newsletter in your mail or email and it will list the dates.

That happened to me too! Valve oil is the worst. Especially the kinds that are dyed blue.

There is some debate over whether Komodo dragons are venomous. They do secrete proteins in their mouths but it’s not clear whether they are actually venom or just an anti-coagulant.

I don’t have any personal stories, but your story reminded me of my coworker.

For the most part, kitchen Dutch oven recipes are just regular recipes. They’re often interchangeable with “slow cooker”, “stockpot”, or “one pot” recipes. Try One Pot by Martha Stewart Living

People make fun of my very specific purse requirements, but they lose stuff all the time and I don’t, so there!

You could get one of those pocket things that hangs over the arm of the couch.

You’re so efficient and I love it.

CW pushed The 100 to mid-season so we have to wait even LONGER :-( :-(

If you had read closely you would see that she was in the process of becoming a citizen. That literally makes her an immigrant.

What studies?

Those aren’t “shitty dogs”, those are “dogs that are not right for you”. Someone else might get great joy and companionship from loving and caring for a dog that has been abused.

They probably accidentally hit an extra zero, i.e. 20 minutes. I’ve done that before but I noticed quickly.

Google has already stated loud and clear how they feel about feed readers when they got rid of Google Reader. Yes, I am still bitter.

Strangers mistake me for pregnant a few times a year and the one time I didn’t yell at them was when I got let into the front of a reeeeeeeally long bathroom line at a music festival.

I went to Prague and spent many an hour reading with wine/beer in outdoor cafes and in various parks.

It’s funny but landings never bother me because I’m like “I’ve been hurling through the air miles above the ground for two hours and everything was fine so really what can go wrong now?”