
I only get uncomfortable during take-off and serious turbulence. (I’m far less afraid of flying than I am of riding in a car.) I usually close my eyes, lean back, and focus on my breathing.

Also clean under the rubber gasket!

The rinsing part should be at the beginning! Rinse that mug! Riiiiiinsee itttttttt. You won’t even have to do all that other stuff if you just rinse the damn mug right away.

Ooh I always rotate my mattress on my birthday but that was last week!!! Thanks for the reminder!

No. What the article is saying is that someone whose goal is 1500 calories is more likely to overeat and underestimate because they are hungry. They are more likely to snack and eat extra and “cheat” on their diet because they are hungry. If their new goal is 3000 calories they will be less hungry and thus less likely

Mission accomplished.

Good on Cornelius for actually showing up to class though!

wrong post

Sorry, I'm not a girl. I'm a woman.

I want to be in one of those crazy/awesome marriages where we actually live in separate apartments next door to each other.

People make eye contact on the Metro in DC too, and no one cares.


Myers-Briggs is just a slightly more complicated version of astrology. It can be entertaining but please don’t base any life decisions on it.

Try “Flip It” in Petworth or “First Cup” next to the convention center. or U Street Cafe.

I think it’s a New York Thing. We have them in DC but they’re just breakfast, not a Thing.

What neighborhood are you in? There are a lot of places to get good cheap breakfast in DC if you know where to look, but they’re not called bodegas. My favorite breakfast sandwiches are from Firehook.

Yes! That’s why I always get a sausage, egg, & cheese sandwich with bacon on the SIDE.

You can also rub the offending item with a dryer sheet.

I think it should be Chloe Bennett (Skye from Agents of SHIELD). She’s only half-Chinese, but she’s the right age, and she can already fight and sing (she was a Chinese pop star. Search for “Chloe Wang” on youtube.) And because she’s on an ABC show, Disney already owns her soul.

It depends on the market. My farmers' market highly encourages dogs. They even have a tent for a local doggy day-care and obedience school with free treats.