
I sleep on my stomach so I have the same problem. I never can sleep at all on an airplane. The best I can do is rest my eyes while hunched over the tray table.

I bet animal shelters would like your afghans.

Does anyone else remember that time he played a lawyer on Sabrina the Teenage Witch and he took his pants off but he was wearing shorts underneath?

I have had several dogs that got on the counters as well. It's not limited to cats.

None of this works with my cat. None. He does not mind walking on sandpaper or double-sided tape, and when noisy things fall off the counter he thinks "Oh good, now that thing has fallen down so I safely get back onto the counter." Loud noises intrigue him.

I dress best on Thursdays because I do laundry on Wednesdays :-)

Rory would say to read whatever makes you happy.

I once saw a tourist accidentally dump their large soda on Winged Victory in the Louvre. No one gave a shit, including the lone security guard.

When we find out where it is, I propose a field trip. Definitely including a stop in the gift shop.

That guy didn't hack OKCupid to get better dates, he just hacked it to get more dates. He went on 88 dates before he found his fiancee, and as of the writing of the article they had been together for one year, which I would not necessarily consider to be that long-term.

I don't think that makes you the opposite, I think that makes you the same. You don't feel strongly about these people (in either direction) because you realize that you don't actually know them.

When I was in college I got a jury duty summons in the mail, and I wrote back saying I was in college so I could not attend. I got my next summons a WEEK after I graduated ;-) I never ended up having to report for that one. About a year later I got summoned again, and had to report. I went to the courthouse and sat in

It is still winter, though. We'll see what happens when I start kicking the sheets off the bed in the middle of the night every night.

I thought I would hate this because I'm kind of a slob, but I've made my bed 6 days in a row and it's awesome!

Re: Keeping up with the parents - I see this with my peers ALL THE TIME. Their parents go to the beach for a week every summer so they need to go to the beach every summer. Their parents get a new car every 5 years so they need to get a new car every 5 years. It just doesn't occur to people that your parents have 20+

They sometimes have them at my grocery store.

I actually made one of these myself in college when I had a horrible, vindictive, demon of a roommate. I had to keep my keys and wallet and phone in it while I slept so she wouldn't take them.

I would like this entire row (1949-1960), please and thank you.