I think he’s talking less about this immediate situation and more about the overall picture. Like the heads of banks that caused a downturn in the entire economy not paying for it.
I think he’s talking less about this immediate situation and more about the overall picture. Like the heads of banks that caused a downturn in the entire economy not paying for it.
Is the stream free or do I have to pay some membership fee?
It makes sense to me but I don’t know the ins & outs of tug of war with trucks
That must’ve been the bike I was talking about then. I have to work up to the 636 it seems.
Guess I missed that. The scraping was so bad I couldn’t finish the video (makes me cringe everytime I here it). But maybe he just didn’t think about Leno’s extra weight?
Did he raise it for the drive? It doesn’t look like it plus he’s riding with 2 passengers which will definitely affect the ride.
I don’t ride but your reviews always make me want to try it out! I have the urge to get a 636 (am I correct in thinking that it’s a less agressive 600cc?) and take it around the roads near my university... Two wheels are about the best way to get around where I go to school.
I don’t ride but my understanding of it is that a higher CoG helps the rider “flick” the bike into a lean. If you watch MotoGP, it’s amazing how fast those riders can change lean directions so quickly.
Yeah that does get old after awhile. Certainly cars would be more dangerous without the electronic aids. But they do have them and they do make them easier to drive (that’s the whole point of them) for better or worse.
Even if what you said is true, who cares? Seems like you’re always defending electronic aids or DCTs or some modern feature like that. I’d like to have the option to disable it just for the choice. But then I tend to like older, simpler cars because they're easier to work on haha
Bodywork is definitely not cheaper than tires. Just purchasing all those items would run up a considerable bill (much more than $100 each) and then painting all of those panels is more along the lines of $500. Maybe it would come out to about $200 if you cut corners and DIY, but then another set of tires is just…
If it is a legal gun being sold legally then where is it going except for a FFL?
I fully support this decision. I’d love a 4C with a manual.
I apologize for the late reply but here is some reading: http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/w…
War certainly is not a human universal. Where is your evidence?
I’m pretty sure the average car buyer doesn’t even visit this site. It’s obviously a project for serious gearheads. It may not be a wise project (and really what project car is?) but it’d be fun as all get out to put together!
I don’t think this is necessarily true. I’ve driven cars with pretty meaty front tires (only 295s though) and didn’t notice a decrease in steering feel.
I like the way you think. Imagine the scoffs of people when they see one side pipe and a 2J in the bay...
I don’t think stripping gears has any relevance here. The whole point of a clutch is to be able to disconnect the power from the wheels to change gears. Where in there could you strip gears from too much power??
lol I see what you did there