Number 6

Oh, wow. As if the Great Recession and New York Times Magazine aren't doing enough to scare the shit out of Boomers terrified that their adult children will never move out... Diaper Dude is the embodiment of our parent's deepest anxieties.

@Kivrin: Maybe she really thinks she looks like a 19th-century Jewish doctor from the Lower Silesia Region of Germany?

So she thinks she looks like Frankenstein. Wait... Are you really trying to tell us that 10 concurrent plastic surgeries DIDN'T successfully cure Ms. Montag's body dismorphic disorder?!

@MooCow: I think the incrediably awkward title says everything you need to know about the quality of the production.

@Artemis47: But before it hits market I'm sure they'll shoot our troops full of the stuff. Or maybe Nike will market it as some dystopian spin-off of their "No Fear" ad campaign. Kamikaze Energy Drink, anyone?

@allyzay: The Albany Amtrak station is my favorite, although I've rolled into some other pretty shitty ports of call upstate.

Billy Ray shouldn't let Billy Ray tell him what to do with his hair.

Now playing

He used to sport a pretty long brown ponytail back when he went by the hacker name Mendax. Couldn't find a good picture on the web, but it makes a cameo in the first few minutes of the STV WikiRebels documentary.

@Maximus Decimus Meridius: The only bullshit majors are those you don't take seriously. There are plenty of accomplished historians and philosophers in the world. Not everyone needs to write code or build machines. There's room for all kinds.

Do they regularly photograph all passengers now? Or was he pulled

How is this legal?

Gizmodo realizes that this anonymous photoshopper is probably a fat fetishist, right?

@Kardster: Talk about GOOP...

Well I'm certainly glad they didn't waste all that money on paying out to license holders for home repairs.