

Yare Yare Daze?

Wow, 20 bucks? also, no recharge battery? what is this, the stone age!?

Nintendo. Here is money. Take it. Take all of the dollars.

That was beautiful. Why is it every time I decide I'm never giving Capcom money ever again, they do something amazing like this to bring me back? Effing hilarious!

Don't worry, for a costume, while rather simple, 100 dollars isn't the worst sort of price, i've seen some mediocre costumes selling for 300+ dollars before. Kingdom Hearts fans must be loaded.

That's not a knife, now THIS is a knife!

It would be nice if there were some consistency, and less deceptive advertising techniques, so we could avoid that sort of confusion. Though I could have sworn b was bit and B was for byte.

Could have sworn, especially something of this magnitude, constituted filing a false report

One thing you have to keep in mind is, it's not so much the companies being greedy and saying "oh you'll do fine with this much internets, have fun on your facespace and such, pish posh so rich" as it is their sheer profit-minded unwillingness to not spend money upgrading the infrastructure of phone lines, cables, and

Hope this means I can get my regular book bookshelves on the cheap then, I have a modestly large collection of books, comic books, manga, and games that all conveniently are near the same size to fit on a standard bookshelf.

Welcome to the internet.

Which is why I said it was a problem with almost all forms of education. There's an issue with material not being engaging in the standard classroom environment, different learning styles, different teaching styles, a host of variables at play here. I was just saying how it doesn't matter how quickly you learn

the steam hardware/software survey is optional and informs you of what is doing, and allows you to cancel it. I'm uninformed, can you tell Origin not to scan your programs?

Now he claims it increases the learning speed, but the main issue here, and with almost all forms of education, is retention, how well can someone hold onto the information and skills they've acquired.

And this way they can just go back in time, fix the problems with XIII, and get Versus done early! we'll probably see that next year as a "surprise announcement". More like TIME PARADOX

Sony is HQ'd in California. Pacific Timezone. Mystery Solved. That's another job well done for the Mystery Team!

from what i can find (aka wikipedia) 360 games are enabled but up to the developer/producer whether or not they utilize region locking. so for that i guess you'll have to wait and ask a friend in the PAL territories.

Actually it was Nintendo screwing over Sony and dropping the deal suddenly that drove them to use the tech they were working on to just make a standalone console. And the rest is history.

when did Mattel die?