
Nintendo has had that exact layout on their 4 button controllers (as in excluding n64 and gamecube) since the SNES. Just look to the 3DS for the most recent example.

sadly the DC Universe cross play was canned long before it originally launched. Shame.

Hey, i've been on the digital subscription for at least two years now. Mostly because i don't care for gameinformer, and don't want the magazine (i'm forced to subscribe to) piling up. On top of that, i am very RARELY notified i even have a digital subscription, over the past 12 months i was notified i had an issue

yes! now i can go to a REAL store to pay for my virtual hats! I LOVE the future!

Because it can play doom.

there are a LOOOOT of trashy romance novels for free.

Oh heck yeah! There's a store coming to Danbury, CT. Now I can get this relatively mediocre deal!


I think the Facebook issue is part of the terms you agree to in order to use the site is that the images you post then belong to them and may be used commercially. I may be incorrect about that but if i'm not, that would be an issue with the commercial and licensing part.

This seems odd to me. Atlus managed to skirt by with quite a few things. Anyone who played persona 4 should have an idea of what i'm referring to.

VOTE: Linux Mint, With a dash of Cinnamon. Gnome 3 is and KDE always has been pretty unpleasant in my eyes.

Megaman is removed for balance. /trollface.

Not to mention the latest update to yahoo mail sends my computer to a crawl (netbook user here) while Gmail has gotten faster and smoother with each tweak.

That's the only way. You have to get it from the inside, nothing penetrates that shell of Nintendonium.

That-a way!


Well he's got MY vote!

God bless america!

It'll encourage corruptions like that. People can claim parody to avoid legal issues.

I can see why this would be a point against the MPAA/RIAA, but they still argue for the fact that their cases are Intellectual Property Theft, right?