wouldnt stop me from trying.
wouldnt stop me from trying.
Not over the top enough. You're a goddamn loose cannon! The mayor's gonna have my ass for this!
Looks like he just crashed.
Let's play a game: Spot the overweight extras. I found 2, can you top my score?
It's a typo on the blog post, it's just the Amazon Video Service, basically netflix + movie/tv rentals and purchase. Ties in great with Amazon Prime
I, for one, embrace our future beefcake crossing guard unions.
Too much.
Well, it was nice knowing you Kotaku, and the rest of Gawker. Surprisingly I actually liked having a couple of separate accounts, so in the event one got compromised, I'd have a way to adapt around losing only part of my online presence for a while, rather than the entirety of it. It's been a good ride, but i'm not…
Well my snarky comment just got owned by facts! either way it's a sad turn for a mildly interesting event.
I expect to see "Sponsored by G4" Plastered everywhere.
Oh man, that video "The Medical" is like the epitome of chinese knockoffs! They practically rip off some of the model animations from meet the medic, I'm fairly certain I've heard that music before, and it's the most bizarrely amazing thing I've ever seen! I love it.
I didnt finish all of this, but i read all the quotes. My favorite is how they're afraid of giving children the choice to play a homosexual character, etc. That's hilarious, "parents" are afraid of giving their kids any semblance of choice.
Hideo Kojima game.
I've noticed with the daily deals here, they just knock off the cents of the price, or round up if it's X.75 or up
A wizard did it.
As far as i know, comcast and cablevision were already doing this back in 2007, we had throttled speeds and got letters every month cause of one of my roomates who shall forever be unnamed.
Probably. So they could sue said former employee into the ground and make enough to keep the company running another six months.
...why is superman drawn like a bishounen? The art direction is so different for an American superhero cartoon. Otherwise, I can't wait for it.
I think you mean MANhealthy. The smartest health there is.
I love when marketing people think it's a great idea to say something is "a fresh spin" or a "new take on an old classic" because those words say to me "there's a 90% chance the rest of this statement is going to make you vomit."