
It would be the doing of Sega Europe. Creating collectors editions usually is a region by region thing for publishers that big. So Sega and Sega of America need to decide if they wanna add this to their arsenal or not.

Assuming they're doing an epic one for both major systems, the ps3 is not region locked for ps3 games.

The worst Offender

God: Eh, rain, fire, I'm omnipotent, it's like the same thing to me.

Step two: set up a password on the admin account, and then set up a free to use account for family/friends/other less-than-computer-savvy acquaintances with absolutely no privileges to change anything.

Is it sad that i totally completed the original game in about 13 hours, one sitting?

It's not quite the same as what i'm looking for, notebook is a good quick pop in and pop out situation, and Docs is a bit more than what i need. Though i do use that too.

Glad to see i'm not the only one looking for that sort of product, It would also help, the 360 grips weird for me, it's not comfortable.

Well that blows, I actually use Notebook on a regular basis, and have since I started college. It's really useful if you need to save some info on a lab/friend's computer from the web, and you just wanna copy paste it and be done in under a minute, and the access at home. Anyone know of something similar I can make

Yes there's no skill, but it's not a game of skill, it's strategy, what move do you make when, who do you attack, where do you place and move your troops, and how will your opponents react.

Cassettes: Bawawawawa Bwoop Bwoop!

Half of is the feds and the tech getting better, the other half is the lagging skills of some members of Anonymous. They're slipping more in these big jobs because every script kiddie jumps in yelling "Hack the planet!"

Did he just analyze his own abilities at directing the Resident Evil movies? Up to that last sentence it looked like he was aware his game movies are terrible.

Well obviously they can't, that would break the continuity! If anything matters to the people making the Resident Evil movies it's the precious continuity of the series. OH WAIT /sarcasm.

I don't understand? Am I the only one that had to sell MHTri so it would stop getting in the way of my schoolwork? I absolutely loved that game.

I just felt a tear in my eye, something about science and happiness.

This is just like that time i cleaned up my room, and i discovered i had a floor underneath all my stuff!

Why do i keep giving them money when they pull shit like this.

Son of a dick! what a fucking assbandit! Shitfuck!

Oh god that new interface is terrible, it looks good but navigating it is such a pain.