
Wow, i watched it again after i came across your comment. those women seem plastered. Just a lot of stream of consciousness comments on all three questions.

He was the best there was...and they made him better...This Diwali...Rob Schneider is...The 6 Million Dollar Man! Rated PG-13.

I do have to say, the idea of converting the normal EULA from a document that most people just go tl;dr into a quasi-interactive and colorful experience and condensing the whole document into much more manageable to read and comprehend bite-sized paragraphs one at a time is absolutely brilliant. The quiz at the end is

in addition, he also does point out the ability to use standard rom carts for LEGALLY BACKED UP GAME COPIES ON YOUR SD CARD wink wink.

By the hammer of Thor!

Fund it.

Jeez, i hate when i hit doubt and Phelps goes on an accusatory tirade.

jeez, way to hate on another game for not being halo.

Bayonetta managed to have a different character style. It's what caught my eye the most about it. This just looks like a generic character art for another game trying to be an edgy and dark fantasy universe.

Just as I'm willing to admit the guy is a genius and his movies are works of art. I just can't sit through em. Though that is the reaction I normally get from people =P

Half this feels like you're tongue-in-cheek about it, and the other half feels like a good idea. I'd just tell sega to stop being so worried about the fanbase and just try to make a good game.

I hope they bring back that semitransparent purple from the game boy days. you had one of those and you were the SH*T at school.

Not really, since I didn't finish the first one, I had no desire to play the second. I prefer my RPG's much less action oriented anyways.

@CardboardDoom: I like FF1, 6, and 7, but I don't have any fun with every other one i've tried. Dragon Warrior is better anyways.

I Hate the Kingdom Hearts Series. I did play the first one and got to the boss of the Tarzan level. After dealing with (to me) clunky controls and cheap enemies, and dying 33 times in a row to the same boss, I said "Frack this!" The story and whimsical charm was not enough to draw me past the flaws I saw. Now every

Correlation does not equal Causation. just saying.

@Setsail: I'm STILL waiting for that green one. They did get the red one out at least i'll give them that.

Looks like something's different about the way torches look.

@tj: Ba-dum tsshhh!

That's always bugged me about JoJo. His hat just ends and becomes his hair. What. The. Hell.