
HOLY CROKPOT SANDWICHES! Do they really have FIFTEEN POINTS of articulation!? Radical man. Radical to the MAX!

While I can understand the need to protect one's kids, I personally can attribute my gambling addiction not to Chuck E. Cheese's, but to Pokemon Red and Blue. I spent SO many hours on those damn slots.

I like how they halfway undermine their own argument when they bring up his Packers collection. This seems much more staged just for the reporter to get a sensational story done. And honestly, they say "he saves everything!" It's more he just doesn't delete anything. That's definitely most common among the less

@T0WSER: I coulda sworn he was confirmed playable.

It seems the main reason for the split, rather than balance, is that the monthly updates would be difficult to distribute simultaneously over both platforms. PC players would be patched and updated whenever, but the ps3 players would have limits because of psn.

I can't say I've lied about a game before. But there was this one time I played Street Fighter and Daigo challenged me, I was about to finish him off when he beat me with this unbelievable comeback. I mean, you had to be there, but it totally happened.

@ConfederateRokr: I mean it would have been more plausible if they didn't fill up half the story with footage of the game, and explaining how you gun down civilians, when the actual event was a suicide bomber.

Alright, what of that stuff is addictive? is the 36% beef old white castle meat? cause I STILL really want some Taco Bell now.

@Metro Charts. VP of Vice: So what if we made blu-ray disks as BIG as laserdiscs? that just seems like the best possible idea ever!

@kbarak: Though if you think about it, the guy MADE child pornography. Not harming the well-being of children, but images depicting minors engaging in sexual acts. That sounds like a red flag to me.

I'm sorry Alex, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Hey, just a heads up, nobody should deserve to pay any money for that Uno game. On PSN they have a broken version, where there is NO way to change your multiplayer settings, and you cannot play with your friends online or local. You can only play with random people (and bots). It's a sad excuse and a 5 dollar price

@Rils @Archaotic: Not to mention that when it comes to piracy, publishers/record stuidos/movie studios keep counting every instance as a lost sale, when it's not. Hell, the PSP just was chock full of crappy games and shovelware, with the few diamonds in the rough being painful to play on the console's dpad/nub layout.

I was hoping for early Smugleaf :[

@sgraff87: then they'll release a smaller, matte version once they knock 100 bucks off the price.

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: And yet I have the urge to lay the blame at Nintendo, as their wide cast net of family oriented games and console just keep printing money, everyone's gonna emulate that style as much as possible.

@wiskill: Look up Yoot Tower, you'll be satisfied.