You can like both Terminator and T2 equally right? Most commenters here make it seem like that isn't a possibility.
You can like both Terminator and T2 equally right? Most commenters here make it seem like that isn't a possibility.
Thanks Kotaku for being part of ruining one guy's very small dream of making a game. I hope to god you never find any game I release in the future.
Oh my that jab at Randy Pitchford was HILARIOUS. Well done Freddy.
So looking like the cross between a ninja turtle and a lepper is cool now?
Click BAAAAAAAAIT! *Mountains rumble*
I would love to play this game but Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 is literally around the same time. I think they must be saving all their advertising budget for the new Deus Ex.
The gun that probably helped initiate more wars than stopping them. Hopefully he doesn't have any "keen inventor" children.
Wait, so what mod did he use? I have Skyrim but haven't jumped into it yet.
I hope the lady is ok now but they do realise that a Vita can play digital PSP games right? Ok, sure there is no Kingdom Hearts, or Crisis Core but there is still a massive library jeez!
So is Attack On Titan about girwry boys standing around looking emotional? This just seemed like a fan photoshoot to me.
That doesn't change the fact that using a machine that doesn't do its job properly is a fair thing. As you said it is easy to abuse but the way they have programmed it means that false claims are made by companies that have no relevance to the videos in question.
Actually it is. They have created chaos by depending on a machine to do a man's job. Something people feared would bring the end of the world in the first place.
For some reason I can't stop looking at his incredibly annoying face/s.
I've noticed a lot of dragons in current adverts and now this. Are they bringing Lair back? I did actually enjoy Lair even with its few gimmicks but still call me confused. What if they replaced the Last Guardian with a dragon? I am so baffled!
This really confuses me. The game is pretty much a Killer Instinct Lite release correct?
As a Children's Book Illustrator AND Youtuber hand in hand I can tell you that I would rather do what I love than get a real job at Mcdonalds like you. Open your eyes a little and see that people can make money how ever they like if they enjoy it.
Looks at the article author. Ah, it is a Stephen review.
I remember when GTA4 came out and there was a buggy batch that messed your system up. My experience was also great with them replacing the console, game and also giving me a free copy of Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction.
Sorry but Soul Sacrifice was really good.
Wow just luck at the scuffs and aesthetic damage of the console in that first video. The thing hasn't even been out that long!