
The Killzone review was pretty lame and missed out a lot of things that other reviewers have mentioned that make the game great. Though then again my comment will be seen as me just being a "PS fanboy".

Use their own online store? Erm, no thanks that's why I have an Iphone and dock speakers if needed.

Love all the derp reactions in the audience :p

I kind of chuckled when they used the revamped Lara from Underworld/ Legends? as their first example. You would be suprised how many professional women in her line of work actually wear things like she does in that game. Ok, sure they aren't packing fire arms but a lot of her clothing during the original revamp was

I don't know why anyone is surprised. If you took the time like I just to to look at the game videos by the devs on steam you can clearly see that the game is a little rusty.

Wow that's that ugly green they talk about when looking back on changing their children's diaper.

Even though I kind of dislike motion controls I have to say that the video of the old folks been introduced to Wii Bowling was quite heart warming to watch. I remember showing my grandparents Wii Sports and them all loving it. It was a nifty little game.

I think these are pretty funny.

I bet the fan was crapping himself when he was walking towards him :p

A wild Knob Gobbler appears!

Is the trailer guy the dude who played the Narrator in Playstation's Puppeteer? That guy was awesome!

It is just about what clicks with your tastes I guess. There is no universal thing that every can like. You like apples but sadly I prefer oranges here.

I never saw her until now. She is pretty cool too but Jinx takes the cake for me.

I play Dota 2 but I have to say that Jinx has to be the first really cool looking character that LoL has presented in my opinion. I actually kind of wished this was a trailer to a brand new game as the aethestic design and charm of the character could really stand up by itself if it wanted to.

Vita insta buy!

Really hope it works perfectly though that might be hoping too much. The Online sounds like it will be super addictive but if we get a Realm Reborn nightmare on our hands then I feel sad for all those GTA fans who have been waiting out mainly for this.

Will Smith is going to be pissed.

You are kind of the living contradiction of what most video gamers want. This isn't any offense to you but after reading your comment you basically spelled out everything that fans have been wanting from the Resident Evil franchise. I think this might make them happy.

This is great in my books. Hate speech is one of the main downside factors to the internet in general.

Don't these type of articles generally get you fired? Today has lacked some serious quality in the articles we have been reading.