
It was insanely painful to watch that host and his complete lack of knowledge on the games he was talking about with the devs. I mean had he even played a Dead Rising apart from "Seeing a trailer".

The best

If this ends up being as buggy and repetitive as Dead Island then you can count me out.

*Quickly turns on Dragon's Crown to begin the touching*

Ummm I'm sorry but slightly complaining about characters like Princess Peach and how "not enough women leads are in games" just annoys me.

The thing about Akira is that the attention to detail and sheer quality is just scary. It's one of the reasons it has become one of animations greatest accompolishments.

I was expecting more energy from you Jason. You even cut the interview short before he could even show us the rest of the demo. I am actually a massive Killzone fan and I would just like to say thank you for wasting my time with your lack of interest in...gaming -_-'

As as game reviewer myself I find that it is actually a more enjoyable experience than just casually playing it. You have this energy when playing and reviewing a game because if it is really good then you can't wait to share your opinion with the world!

Even better if you play it on mute with Lindsey Stirling's Crystallize :3

Wow. Al-qaeda are so charitable!

Hopefully this comes to the Vita. Sine Mora was pretty much perfect on the handheld.

Hey everyone! Want some tips on making the worst endings for your video games?...guys?...guys where are you going? Wait for me!

And this little planet here is where all the space piggies live!

Ellie does not look like Justin Bieber.

Keep Patricia away from this!

She's got girl wood.

What is going on with his lips?

I think the devs who did such things deserve to be outed. You are journalists, you should be punishing them for insulting you and the industry you work for thats intent is to cover THEIR games.

Sony has put publishers in a really iffy position. It is a fact that they would love to force some kind of DRM but now what we will have is every publisher hiding behind bushes waiting for the first publisher to grab their rotton balls and enforce something on the masses.

But it can't make the right fashion choices for taking part in a professional interview?