
Unfortunately, the player learned to draw at the Liefeld Art Institute.

If they want people to use PS Now what they need to do is get people hooked by offering like 1 rental per month free with PS Plus. And lower the prices in general. A rental should never cost more than buying the game outright on PSN.

To allow a discussion without being censored. The fact that Luke's last article was prefaced by "I will be moderating the shit out of this thread" proves that you all don't want to have an actual discussion.

The new Ninja Turtles was awesome. The only thing that let it down was April but man the turtles were fantastic.

Great win for Microsoft; great loss for gamers.

Oh give over Patricia. I know this is a uncomfortable topic for you in the first place but to be honest your circle running is becoming tiring.

Then you're clearly not trying very hard. Yes, the Transformers movies are big stupid robot movies. They're shameless entertainment with little to no depth behind it. But trying to paint them as the worst films ever is just hyperbolic jackassery. I genuinely feel sorry for you people that can't just sit back and enjoy

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This happened to me continuously the other day. 30 seconds is about the mark :3 I scare easy I guess.

Tearaway made me cry joy tears! and it got me back into paper craft too.

Click BAAAAAAAAIT! *Mountains rumble*