
No one has ever been killed in a hotel or hostel before. Not once. Not ever.

Yes. It’s completely understandable if the show isn’t to your taste, but I am at a loss as to what “nonsensical plot devices” she is referring to. I think the show is ambitious, clever and wholly unique. Unfortunately, those attributes don’t seem to draw many viewers.

She’s right, though. I sprung fully-grown from my father’s forehead at about age 25. #Athena

I do not understand why people feel the need to share that they think tattoos look awful. Like, okay well thanks for your unsolicited and unnecessary opinion on my appearance! Glad we got that established! I can sleep at night now knowing someone has very important opinions on how the bodies of others look!

I'd probably crap myself and the whole slide before, during and after the first attempt. Never mind if successful or not. I'd shit all the way down. Jesus, how insanely insane you have to be to enjoy it... :)

Why are they holding a drive for their employee's Thanksgiving dinners? Those same employees have to start working their Black Friday shifts during Thanksgiving Dinner anyways.

I assume you were raised in a middle class family prior to the recession? You can think these are temporary jobs all you want, but go to a store and look at who's helping you. There are some teenagers, but there will be an awful lot of people well into adulthood as well. Those people may want better jobs, but a lot of

What is the difference between Skyler's Vera Bradley bag and an average messenger bag? Actually, I know the answer to that. A run-of-the-mill messenger bag could never be that fabulous.

Imma let you finish, racists...but first let me drive away in my Confederate Flag jacket & my Lambo.

I KNOW RIGHT? I wanna superimpose Kanye's face on all Confederate flags and spread them all over the South. Maybe a massive airdrop of Kanfederate flags.

I believe some men are too scared to ask women these questions because they know, deep down in the hairy masculine vault of their very being, that these are some profoundly stupid questions. They fear the women will look at them with a withering stare, sneer slightly and then tell their friends, "hey, you really need

Some people record police brutality to try to combat it.

"this kinda makes me want to be a cheerleader - which is probably the highest compliment a fat nerd can pay anyone."

Dear Beebermom: Your son pissed in a bucket that some low wage worker had to empty out and clean before being able to mop the floors in the restaurant. Instead of apologizing to the low wage worker, the kitchen workers, and the restaurant, he apologized to Bill Clinton for squirting cleaning fluid on his photo. Your

Why is it that the only comments displayed are ones that agree with the Author? Some others made a good point but clearly Jezebel hivemind must continue on. Dodai your articles normally rock but this is giving off vibes like the NPR yellow cake article.

Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star with bad

YES! I've had the same experience going to (mixed sex!) nude saunas in Germany. In Germany they think it's totally insane to wear clothing in a sauna, so it's actually not clothing optional: everyone must go naked. And many swimming pools have saunas and they're almost always mixed sex— it's like, what's the big