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    I was 37 years old when I had a heart attack due to SCAD (Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection). I don’t have high blood pressure, I don’t smoke or drink. I don’t have children. I did have a hysterectomy 10 years ago due to horrifically awful periods, bleeding, cysts and pain. My periods were 100 fold worse than my

    I think more people should say Fuck in front of my grandmother.

    I don't understand sports radio, and it's a scam.

    I managed to sneak away borrowing about 38K for my bachelor's (the first 4 years of University). Ten years later it's 75K, due to interest. When I make the final payment; which will be more than my house payment (1000 per month), in 2041, I will have paid a whopping 170,000 USD for my University education. Luckily,

    Naked 1, 2 &3 ought to deplete that gift card. They are eye colors. Dior Show. Eyelid Primer... done!

    Europeans everywhere are shaking their heads in complete disgust.

    Why so many shoes?

    RE: Sandra Bullock

    It's not that I don't agree that dogs should be allowed everywhere, but the reality is, most people are terrible at being dog owners. I wonder about these people. You know, the people who bring their unfixed, uncut, in-heat dog to a dog park and then look at you like your dog has a problem when a fight starts. The

    Perhaps a reply from the psych department about the need to control cross - correlated with Law students.... Dear Law Student - You are not ambivalent. Your display of chest puffing hubris is noted and dismissed as the rantings of a spoiled child. People eat. Get over it.

    PS - You're in law school. Get used to

    I'm going to add to your post and say that I have loads of very straight and very fine hair. I do best with No Frizz shampoo, in this same line. The bottles are grey. I have been using this shampoo as my 'special occasion' shampoo for about a year. There is a voluminous line, but I just use the straight up No

    What? Beyonce hasn't had her own hair for a decade!

    You can find me in Orgrimmar, and you can call me Drewpid. ;-)

    Forgive me not knowing how to send a private message, but I believe I actually know you, Euterpe ;-)

    I read a few of the responses to this article, and I knew this would cause controversy like this. NEWSFLASH! There's nothing disgusting about Lena Dunham's body. There shouldn't be a lively discussion about how the attractiveness of a woman and how that translates into how much society has to tolerate from her.

    The answer is: Do whatever you want. It's yours.

    It's totally normal. I suggest plucking.

    Even if this weren't true, it would still be a great little snippet of writing genius.
