If they really want Idzik to burn, they should know by now that it takes more than a jet and some fuel to bring down such a big target.
If they really want Idzik to burn, they should know by now that it takes more than a jet and some fuel to bring down such a big target.
Tech was almost certainly rooting for Kansas, and probably not very sociable.
If someone develops an app that just plays this on demand, I will pay $2 for it.
I'm a Dodgers fan but still... fuck that passive aggressive E-40 slander at the end of this article. E-40 has put out like 11 albums, not mixtapes, in just the last few years and they're all excellent.
Rock first and country last. SO EDGY.
Drew is a terrible person. Only toddlers get away with that stupid "no crusts" bullshit. If anyone tries that around me I'd make them buy their own goddamn pizza. What a fuckwad.
Yeungling sucks. Bacon sucks. You guys are like the First Take of food and drink. Hot take haters.
PBR tastes like it's been infused with pocket change.
Get a job
He was gonna pull the ball to left field, but being Jeter, he hit it the right way.
It's widespread changes like these that makes me think that Ballmer's Clippers will Excel during the 2014-15 NBA season.
Sounds like Simmons could use an Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.
"Yup...these are my overlords."
usually it's Winston telling someone else to take their clothes off against their will...
I think we'd already established that Jameis doesn't understand the meaning of "no."
It's her professional name and she's using it. Let's not act like this is all on the media. She's playing her part in this fuckery with gusto.
This is a three-scoop ice cream sundae of bullshit with a cherry on top. I am not sure anyone has questioned whether he loves his son or whether he is perfect, so his statements that he does and he isn't are utterly meaningless. And the law doesn't require intent to injure, so his statement that, in effect, "I meant…