From the photo, it appears that coach Whisenhunt is prepared to call Brett Favre if the need arises.
From the photo, it appears that coach Whisenhunt is prepared to call Brett Favre if the need arises.
Attaboy, Rusty!
It was so bad, Derrick Rose announced he's going to sit out another year.
Good lord. Could you make motherhood sound more joyless? Again?
To understand this article, I had to find the "Poker Slang Terminology" book that I stuffed between my Coldplay CD, Livestrong bracelet and other things I lost from 2004.
I guess ESPN is quicker to respond to POSSIBLE violence if it is female-male...
I had a Cherry Wheat last week and it was fucking disgusting. I couldn't tell if I was drinking a beer or someone's cough syrup flavored vomit.
How did you neglect to put Buzzfeed on your list of bad list-makers? They're the gold standard!
Marchman needs to be number one. That cereal list was atrocious.
There are a lot of different versions of Heinekin in my book:
I would drink a Yuengling Lite over some other lagers.
There are two types of people in this world: People who like Yuengling and people who are wrong.
Overrated list makers, Ranked
Yuengling? Go to hell and die.
Maybe Stephen A. will get a two episode suspension, so ESPN can show that they too know how to put the hammer down against domestic violence.
Instead of working from home, why don't you take a stroll down Know Your Role Blvd, head straight on to Jabroni Drive, and proceed to check yourself DI-rectly into THE SMACKDOWN HOTEL
He did a multi part interview with Steve Austin too. I hear there is some debate about whether to trust anything the guy says or not, but even if the answer is no, he's a hell of a storyteller.
For the last 5 to 10 years, after The Rock went to the big screen, Christian & Edge went their separate ways, and Taz started became a ringside commentator, in my opinion, Heyman was the most interesting thing to hit the WWE. Him and Lesnar came out as the perfect pair. What Lesnar lacked was a personality, but was…
This is typical Tony Dungy. He takes something that seems fairly innocuous and just keeps making it worse and worse until, eventually, it's a complete mess. Then, Jon Gruden takes that complete mess and wins the Super Bowl with it.