
No. It is not. Euchre is more byzantine. Spades is bridge on bennys. It is the most pure trump card game and I will beat you like my cheapest bitch.

You have no idea how much NYers fucking hate the General Assembly.

I am saying it again: He can’t be a Manning. He was a decent human being.

He can’t be a Manning. He was a decent human being.

My favorite part of the “Domino Theory” is that it was based on freshman logic course fallacy. It was a slippery slope of the first order and when people pointed it out they were “communists.”

OK. You mean to tell me you think think that Kimbo Slice at his prime could have beaten Ali in his prime. No.

I love this continuing series like Madonna loves dick.

The saddest concert I have ever been to where the music was great was on New Order 2001-2 tour. Billy Corgan was playing keyboards because the Gillian Gilbert was covered in kids. I wondered if he had bottomed Bernhard Sumner for the gig.

Bartolo Colon::Baseball:______::_____.

If that were 75% of <insert any other demographic>, they would be loaded onto cattle cars during the Trump presidency.

A friend took a job in Dallas and said that Arlington reminded him of Chester, PA without the obvious looks of despair on people’s faces.

And the A’s win.

The baseball misery in NYC area right now is at near detonation levels. The Yankees fans can’t belittle the Mets fans who are so beshit and beside themselves in 2nd Place to a clearly better team. The Big Shot New Yorker thing has become artisanal.

Except when rich. And it isn’t a matter of visible income. My wife battles with her ex over child support every two years because the prick files a suit at every window of opportunity. He always loses but it's completely legal. In this current round he got caught hiding income in an LLC so the judge crushed him on

I refuse to masturbate on the anniversary of my father’s death. #honoryourfather

He’s headed to the Knicks.

Exactly. Two bad pitching outings back-to-back in the playoffs equals desperation. Playing desperate baseball means losing.

How do you hate the Cubs? What’s there to hate? The fans? The players? You hate them on a Global Hatred of the Cardinals level? Please, tell me what to hate.

80s American League Baseball Explained: Walk, HBP, Strikeout Looking, 3-run homer by Cecil Fielder, Fly out in foul territory, Strikeout looking.

You can't imagine how Romanian this whole story is. They didn't do CPR because they'd have to stop smoking and that the ambulance was parked in....