
I'll give you that. We don't know anything about the long-term impact. What we do know something about is the long-term impact of tobacco smoking. Vaping is about harm reduction. I doubt anyone in their right mind would claim vaping is 100% safe. No more than anyone in their right mind backed by some basic education

Sorry. Not stooping to that level. I take no responsibility for other peoples actions. I would not vape in your face. I would not vape at a restaurant you eat at. I will not vape in your home unless you're OK with it.

I think we have a case of misreading. Or bad wording on my side. PG is used in some anti-freeze since it's not toxic like more traditional anti-freeze mixes.

Some manufactures make their liquids by steeping cigar leaves. House of Liquids El Toro comes to mind. I can't comment on health aspects as I haven't done any research on such liquids.

It's still used in asthma inhalers. Make of it what you want.

That was indeed a bad point by the writer. There's no need to lie about it. Propylene Glycol is used in anti-freeze where toxicity of traditional anti-freeze is a concern.

Name 3 harmless substances. Please let one of them be a cure for tobacco addiction.

Mix it yourself then, or buy from a reputable vendor with full disclosure on their manufacturing process and ingredient sources.

I'd be there right with you, going "I second that, asshole!". Difference between us is that I actually vape. Not in elevators or peoples faces, mind you.

I believe you are quite unfamiliar with research on nicotine. Up until very recently, all nicotine research has been tobacco research. Take a look at more recent studies, and you may actually get a little surprise. Nicotine is neither particularely harmful or addictive. It is very much comparable to caffeine.

It would help if the feelings were sincere. Like the first "happy". Looks like someone just told him to smile.

... which is also sort of famous for how it looks if you fold it at her eyes and put two bills next to eachother ;)

It's called IRC.

Some pictures would do. Not really interested in watching a lot of videos on wallets. Maybe if one of them peaked my interest first.

Remember when the internet was about human interaction across all known borders without knowing anything about the other parties' location of origin, ethnicity, philosophies, ideologies, age and gender?

It's all in the presentation. Consider it a less formal introduction that "Hello my name is..." and a handshake. It's more of an open invitation to start a conversation/kill some mutual time, and a way to probe for other interests.

With the current technological constraints, smart watches are more gimmick than anything else. However, the concept of wearable computers is not a gimmick at all. We're just not there yet. Have to start somewhere, tho. Even if you shrink down a Segway, it's still a Segway.

Indeed. Comics. A little Tapatalk forum action. And the occasional look up stuff on the internet. Not quite the same as surfing. Sometimes some Remote Desktopping if I want to check on my computer. But mostly comics and forum reading. The latter can just as well be done on a phone. My current tablet was actually

I think the only one I use semi-regularly is "OK Google, wake me up in 45 minutes."

To fully maximize the vibe I get from this room - all it takes is a dentists chair.