
The new Apple Car will be faster, lighter, and better looking than other cars, but you won’t be able to open the hood, the stereo won’t have an Aux. input, and the transmission won’t have a reverse gear. Also, the car will bend if you hit a bump too hard, will emit strange hissing noises when driven hard, and will

I wouldn’t make either of those arguments. I think the best Chinese food in the world is in Vancouver, second Hong Kong, third Taipei, fourth Los Angeles . . . before getting into actual Chinese cities. Also, there’s a lot more salt and oil used - not even with the lack of trust in ingredients.

Say no more, fam:

Many of the resistance kits have an adaptor for the door.

Geez, I miss the Kindle with the page turning buttons. Too bad it only comes on the expensive Oasis model.

I’m not jamming anything into my shoes that intend to wear later - especially underwear. That’s goddamn disgusting.

I feel like this needs more flamethrower guitar.

Clearly, this guy has never gone anywhere more rugged or exotic than the perimeter fence of a resort hotel.

And this is what holds the world record for farthest road trip ever driven.

aw damn i was too late. oh well, posted it anyways. lol

That might explain why some of these demoted gods have become demons. : )

Came here for this .gif and now I’m happy.

Wait...i’m currently in Europe. Should I be taking advantage of some sort of sunscreen loophole right now?

Wait...i’m currently in Europe. Should I be taking advantage of some sort of sunscreen loophole right now?

No sir, you are a hero. I noticed it as well, was confusing. And I still have no idea what an I-Clicker is, besides you ‘need’ one for certain classes. I mean, there is no description on the amazon page at all. it’s a book supplement....WHAT? Ahem, sorry.

Are you talking about 2 different HP when you say "360" and "G4ME headsets" ? What I understand 360 = 360 G4ME. Which would make the following-

I see your point, but most writing, literary or otherwise, suffers from the the opposite affliction. Too many words are sprayed on the page according to habit and cliche with little thought given to their meaning.

Unluckily no...

Kickstarter itself isn't a scam. I've backed many successful projects. But it can be used for nefarous purposes, and there is risk associated with backing a project. But to call Kickstarter a scam is just wrong.

Another resource: Hotel concierge.

I think that's why it encourages you to take ten minutes per answer. It's not about needing that much time. It's about taking that much time to think beyond the negative tape running in your head.