
“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

You could do a lot worse than the novels all collected in the Penguin galaxy box set (which can all be found in much cheaper editions of course).

Does anyone know of a decent website to replace Gizmodo with? I’m not a fan of Engadget (too bland) or The Verge (too...hipster?), but I’m really getting tired of reading crap like this on Gizmodo. This is their only coverage of Musk’s discussion today, other than talking about it before it happened. That’s just

The new Apple Car will be faster, lighter, and better looking than other cars, but you won’t be able to open the hood, the stereo won’t have an Aux. input, and the transmission won’t have a reverse gear. Also, the car will bend if you hit a bump too hard, will emit strange hissing noises when driven hard, and will

What a load of BS in this article.

I wouldn’t make either of those arguments. I think the best Chinese food in the world is in Vancouver, second Hong Kong, third Taipei, fourth Los Angeles . . . before getting into actual Chinese cities. Also, there’s a lot more salt and oil used - not even with the lack of trust in ingredients.

Say no more, fam:

Many of the resistance kits have an adaptor for the door.

If it doesn't have the hammer fight scene from the Korean version of Old Boy, it's not a correct list.

Geez, I miss the Kindle with the page turning buttons. Too bad it only comes on the expensive Oasis model.

Four sentences and a video

Growing up in a small town, we had a yearly air show that showcased WWII planes (and modern ones, but the real draw were the WWII era planes) and there was always some sort of race or some event that took place on the air strip (it was held at the local airport, which is kinda a stretch to call it an airport. It was

I’m not jamming anything into my shoes that intend to wear later - especially underwear. That’s goddamn disgusting.

Is there a girl scout badge for wine pairings?

You know arrest is part of due process, right? Arresting someone doesn’t mean they immediately go to jail or that they are guilty, it is a common first step in intiating criminal proceedings against someone.

I think Michael, you, and literally everyone sending bottled water are missing the incredibly obvious here.

I really hope Samsung can make this:

I feel like this needs more flamethrower guitar.