
OH MY GOD, I would DIE if that happened. Seriously, I can’t even right now. That would be so awesome.

That’s where I’m finding myself after this. If the VA primary was tomorrow I’d still vote for Sanders...but I’m now in a place where in November I’d be voting for Hillary not against whomever the GOP runs.

Yeah a Clinton presidency would be well-run and very competent. It also won't push controversial and needed reforms.

They need someone to calculate exactly how much money this cost each American taxpayer and have negative black-and-white ads run with an ominous voice saying “The GOP would rather take 120 dollars of yours to beat a dead, rotting horse carcass then to put it towards schools, roads, public goods, or back in your

Hillary did not have sex with Ben Ghazi, no.

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Hillary did better than anyone expected yesterday. There was a moment where she shot a glance at this Senator, I forget which one, after he turned his attitude up a little too loud and you could feel him shrinking in his seat. She may as well have screamed at him “I told everyone to check their fucking priviledge at

My Dad described yesterday’s affair perfectly; “one increasingly presidential looking lady surrounded by a circus of sweaty assholes”.

Buff Chris Pratt as Rocky... In those tight, short, gold lamé shorts...

Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still, but he told us where we stand.

He’s kind of become a huge success as a writer. Who knew?

I’m cynical, and I think he never intended to run. I really believe President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and he all got in a room and discussed the next steps and decided on Hillary. It would have only ever been one or the other.

Do you think he sings a little song in his head when Joe is talking for too long/what do you think that little song is

Luckily I was born in a year ending with “0,” so all I really have to know is if I’m in my twenties, thirties, etc. and what year it is, and I can just tack on the last number of the year. I’m not sure what I would have done if I was born a different year, because I’m really bad at remembering how old I am.


Same thing that’s happened to Elizabeth Berkley, you barely work again because you’ve achieved absolute perfection and Hollywood is too intimidated.

Charlize Theron might have fame and an Oscar, but you know what she’ll never have? The role of Nomi Malone in Showgirls, one of the best movies of all time.

That was definitely true about him — especially when he came back and was like wtf is your life right now. For me what trumped that was the fact that he reminded me of my terrible high school boyfriends — no sense of if or when he would call or show up or if anything was important to him other than being mysteriously

“What’s more, these Mile High Club members are mostly men.”

I just commented about Morgan tying that guy up when he could've been helping save others. I think he's so used to being on his own, he's no longer able to see what needs to be done for the greater good in a community.