I always imagined it being for once-in-a-generation minds. And the super-wealthy who just do it because they can.
I always imagined it being for once-in-a-generation minds. And the super-wealthy who just do it because they can.
That’s what happens when a person has no moral center. There’s nothing guiding him, besides financial gain I guess. I don’t think even he knows what he believes.
12) If you’re a North Carolinan and don’t vote... I can’t with you. I just can’t.
It held up mostly, the heavy pop culture references really show its age lol and I like the trailer, too. I don’t find the Gilmore girls as charming now as I did when I was 11, so keeping that new lens in mind and... yeah, this trailer is very much the show.
Yeah, I’m skeptical. But then again, I couldn’t imagine someone vandalizing a Republican student’s car with peanut butter either, and that happened.
Also in NC (UNC grad). It does seem really odd, and Orange County of all places?
At least DC has better animation...? I gotta cling to something.
I never really liked Donna and Josh together. Amy was his best match, because they’re both kind of assholes.
Beyonce knows exactly what she’s doing.
The Greensboro Science Center recently got a new octopus in a super-cool tank designed by the Tanked guys. They had a whole event to celebrate it. I’ve been to the GSC at least three times since, and the damn thing is always asleep/hiding behind the coral. Come out, little buddy.
I went to the Millennium (aka “I Want It That Way”) tour in 2000 for my 10th birthday. Not to brag or anything.
I have little interest in politicians’ sex lives, but they sure love to butt into everyone else’s and they are so, so often revealed to be the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. When you are trying to regulate other people’s sex lives through public policy, your sex life becomes fair game in my opinion.
Congressional, state, and local elections matter, too, just sayin’
I was like, “The band Justin Timberlake was in.........” and she was like, “oh, right.” -.-
I turn 26 tomorrow, and my sister is 10 years younger than me. A couple years ago, we were in Claire’s and I was looking around at all the One Direction stuff and was like, “I remember when this was *NSYNC stuff” and she was like, “Who’s *NSYNC?” I died a little inside.
I wish I could go back to before I knew I needed a giant rabbit and a tiny monkey in my life to be happy. Damn you, Jezebel.