
Season 1 Tegan and Sara will always be my favorite.

Don't disappoint me in the music department, Greys...

I had a falling out with my best friend of 17 years about 5 years ago. We were inseparable and she’s in almost every memory I have; it’s like someone burned down my archives. It was harder than any breakup I’ve ever had.

Last night is the first time I noticed it. Even the color was wrong. Maybe Margulies is having a feud with her wigs so she filmed the show bald and they just CGI’d it in later.

Look, I know we all want to rush to judgment here but I’m guessing that, very reasonably, the man asked what those women were there for and they told him that they were there to cover a professional football team and he, quite rightfully, had to check if the Jaguars qualified.

Weren’t Isaiah Washington and Katherine Heigl also casualties of GA bad blood?

Is it bad my first thought is I could plan a better robbery?

I email my local and US representatives and my local senator. It’s useless to email my US senators because I live in the south and they are both assholes. Thank you for encouraging me to do that.

Women wanted eight more minutes of foreplay and seven more minutes of intercourse

Honestly. Here, all along, I’ve been popping out babies for my career as a welfare queen . Had I known I could have been aborting them rather than going through with the whole 40-week pregnancy, I’d have been turning a profit that much more quickly! Man, it’s the American Dream for real!

I think he just couldn’t compete with such a crowded race filled with similar nutcases. Trump says the same things with more flare, Carson more gently (in tone, not in content), and Fiorina with more numbers. And all three can boast that they’re not professional politicians, who aren’t doing so well with the

As a mom of one with another one on the way, I am totally fine with this. It takes a villages and thanks to all those women and girls that fill mentor roles.

P.S. I Love Supremacy

You are living my best life.

dandilyn calls it the “bust a nut strut”


See, I could never understand the whole wedding dress thing. Having to “just know” that it’s “THE dress” always seemed a little...silly to me. (full disclosure: I’m a gay dude who loves the idea of weddings but thinks the stressing out is CRAY-CRAY.)

The sexual proclivities of the tea party/Christian hypocrites would be a lot more hilarious if they didn’t want to legislate the most intimate details of everyone else’s lives.

As someone who spent more time in college than a lot of my friends who now have children, and is pouring all my time and energy into my entry-level into this career...this is my worst nightmare.

No, she’s a witch, and she’s in the same coven as Bianca Lawson, who has been playing a teenager for LITERALLY 20 YEARS.