She is such a mom and I love her for it
She is such a mom and I love her for it
How edgy to make fun of people everyone already makes fun of. Kudos, brave comedian! So smart, such a uniting force! Bravo!
Exactly this; thank you for articulating it so well instead of making a dumb joke like I did.
Serena Williams, a goddess of extreme talent and beauty who blesses us with her presence on occasion when she’s not…
He’s an independent porntractor who works out of the back of his truck. A truck full of XXX DVDs.
its like watching an infant discover how their arms work
I’m always amazed that people are surprised at these things. It’s a story old as time. People who are progressive in a major way in one area (And generally just the one that serves them personally) have the total and complete ability to still be late, bigoted, or straight up clueless in other areas.
OBJECTIFYING TRIGGER: Is it weird that he’s too pretty for my tastes? I like my dudes a little roughed up; It’s like the second they slide over past a (admittedly white, American, stereotypical) 9, it drops them to a personal 4.
Funny story: during a time when I was very sad about my dry spell, I had to stop watching this show because it was killing me how much action these old ladies were getting.
I got a mom/dad vibe. My dad (who worked with computers but was slow to catch on to modern means of communication) would send me an email, and then text “I’ve sent you an email”. And then call to say “did you get my text? I’ve sent you an email”.
zenon, girl of the 21st century, but like the porn version. i’m kinda into it
Via the LA Times, a guy named Dylan Grosz with a disturbingly scientific mind and way too much time on his hands ordered 35 Chipotle burritos over the course of several days and then weighed each one back at his office.
My mom told me when she was pregnant with me, my under-two year old brother at the time offered his crib, his blanket, and all his stuffed animals to me. He is still that generous today. There IS something to nature vs nurture, I think!
I need to move to England so my babies can have adorable British English accents.
“I hope you’re not joking” “Is it really in there?” “Why did you make it?”. I appreciate this kid’s healthy cynicism and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.
wait wait i got one more
Even a stopped clock is hilarious twice a day.