Tim Schafer ranted about patch costs awhile back. He said MS charges $40,000
Tim Schafer ranted about patch costs awhile back. He said MS charges $40,000
Duck shaped tomato is my favorite videogame sub culture
Stupid thing to be irritated by in your life.
Not when minutes can go by without seeing anyone. Then you're sniped.
Need help reading?
"No one knows Human Revolution like the team that created it,"
Wasn't funny in the slightest. And I am off the high horse, i'm talking to the horses ass.
gamertags on xbox that eventually get unused get reset to be registered again. Thanks for doing your research Kotaku.
Syndicate, Fallout, Xcom. nuff said.
"It is irritating to see people use cutlery incorrectly though"
Why did you describe Sheperd as him/her and then exclusively kept saying "her"? Nerd bait, you're so subtle these days.
I see what Kotakus doing now. Instead of just blindly taking stuff from reddit. They instead try to see what popular pic is on the front of /gaming and trying to make a story out of it to get their own "ad karma". Pretty sneaky sis.
But is it free?
The Genesis version was made by Shiny Entertainment devs. Do you really have to ask which one was better?
And people complain about pepper spray in the US...
Japan still believes they are fighting WW2 and continue to terrorize the United States by releasing terrible JRPGs upon our nation.
@Travakh: XD That wrpg interpretation is so off. You could kill that guy if you wanted to, or just not do it at all. Unlike JRPG which force you to go one way.
Haha. More proof Japan has no idea what a real RPG is.