If I wanted an interactive version of an RPG id take Morrowind over this trash that has the audacity to call itself an RPG.
If I wanted an interactive version of an RPG id take Morrowind over this trash that has the audacity to call itself an RPG.
@DemonSlayer1237: No one here wants to murder people. But sounds like youre defending pedophilia. Youre disgusting.
@mintfresh: You cant patent language. Didnt bother reading the rest.
@mintfresh: "What makes Japan's definition of an RPG any less valid than our own?"
@Shinta: Just because Japan calls it an RPG doesnt mean it is. They grew up thinking an RPG is something like dragon quest and never bothered to look up what an RPG really is, let alone its history. Its not an opinion. Sorry.
@Shinta: Aww someone with a japanese avatar and username gets mad at a negative JRPG comment. No- you are truly the unique snowflake.
@mintfresh: Wow someone else that doesnt understand role playing games. The actor analogy doesnt work. Real RPG's (table top/WRPG's) first and foremost let you create your own character any way you want. Its YOUR OWN role. Actors dont get to make up their own role their paid to play as one. So in essence your analogy…
"The role-playing series"
@OmegaSpartan08: No youre just very knowledgeable of your hobby.
@laencythe: Protect? You make it seem like we attacked them first. Didnt read the rest of your post simply because of that idiotic sentence.
@laencythe: Glad to know you have no idea what youre talking about. Blame Japan for dropping the bomb, not the US. They did that to their own civilians first of all for starting it, and then not surrendering, even after the first bomb.
@Muramasa Edge: .
Theyre booing the best version of the game? XFD
Way to ruin a great series, Canada.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: I'd pick Mass Effect 2 over any of those games. Im sure others would as well.
@Masao: And what difference does it make that it was previously a sony only title?
Commander Keen remake
@laencythe: Sorry did I say something that offended your demigods from Glorious Nippon?
EA wasnt dissapointed when they kept the NFL license to themselves and had no competition.
@midnightz: Or god damn youre delusional. Fix your tin foil hat, its crooked.