I like how PC gamers have taken a racist mantra for their player base. How fitting.
Holy fuck stop making gifs for everything.
Is this some shit tier brown nosing? These gifs are choppy as fuck, and the internets/tumblers recent discovery of them makes it worse because they dont know how to make any decent gifs.
The people giving this guy stars are idiots.
He's just helping her. Do us a favor and dont be a parent.
It says "launched" meaning the first game. Second part of the answer was a tip. The category is videogame history. This shouldnt be confusing.
Its not even about the question. The category is more important. Its videogame history, you had to give the name of the game, not the name of fitzgeralds wife name.
The category is videogame history. If it was famous authors wives names, those 2 would of been correct. Congrats on losing to this question as well.
Keyword: LAUNCHED. It was called The Legend of Zelda. You lose as well.
The category was videogame history. Not famous authors wives names.
It specifically says "launched" The game isnt just called Zelda.
Everyone here and the author of this "story" is completely wrong. The keyword is "LAUNCHED". The first game was called The Legend of Zelda. Just because people in-the-know shorten it by the name doesnt mean its correct.
Hello? KEYWORD IS "LAUNCHED". The first game was called the Legend of Zelda. Not just Zelda.
"Artistic vision only applies to movies, books, artwork, music— OH BUT VIDEOGAMES MUST CATER TO MY NEEDS"
I never said they couldn't. Dont force someone to change their vision because of your dumb agenda.
Rockstar wants to create a memorable character. They spend time crafting their characters. Saints Row doesnt care. Get it now?
So brave.