
These kinds of pieces come up from time to time and they always miss the most important part: teach your kids to ask what someone wants to be called, then call them that. They prefer Mrs. Snoghorn you call them Mrs. Snoghorn. They prefer Fat Amy, you call them Fat Amy. True etiquette is not calling someone something

I used to work in the dorms in undergrad, and part of the work was making sure that students weren’t so drunk that they could safely go to bed. I had to call an EMT on students at least twice, and at least once we had a student who passed muster only to lose control of their bowels upstairs. Facilities was “thrilled.”

“GM reacted,” he said. “Once it became known to senior management, they took steps to address it not only with victims, but also with the government. They were much more forthcoming and essentially it created a template on how to cooperate.”

I think it’s totally circumstantial. I work in NYC, so walk a lot. There will be no $50 shoes for me. But $50 shoes are fine if you drive to the office, sit at a desk, and drive home. I feel the same way about a lot of things. I also had an expensive stroller, but that’s because I had no car. Baby + groceries + Philly

I suspect— and maybe I’m just reading into things and need to “loose a turn” in my Jump to Conclusions game, that she’s getting cranky with PDA in general. I know it bugs me more and more as I get older when I see young people being all lovey-dovey. Who has time for that shit? Affection should be efficient and mostly

Which is a very common thing to hear in internet automotive circles. Also known as the “you could have bought X Mustangs for that” fallacy.


pfft. I’ve been not doing my job all morning now. Where’s MY windfall of stranger’s money?

For pete’s sake, anti-gay jerks, at least be honest enough to say that “god’s definition of marriage” includes one man and one woman OR one man and many women. Yeesh.

Vancouver resident here. This story’s been all over the news in the last couple days. Allow me, if I may, to give some insight into the background of all this...

Okay, I’ll bite. Am I really the only one who at least tries to get the guy to let me chip in for half? Sometimes the guy on the date stubbornly won’t let me, in which case I’ll usually concede (because I don’t want to get into a huge argument about it) and pay for the second date (if there is one) or, if we’re going

Yep. Also this.

I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the

By all means I certainly wish a long and trouble-free future from your vehicle - but you cannot judge a vehicle’s long-term reliability on its first 15,000 miles.

People who drive giant SUVs and bitch about their poor gas mileage. What the hell did you expect?

Chinese food on Christmas is the only way in which I am, in fact, a practicing Jew. I should actually rethink how I self-identify in that capacity, from here on out.

I think you only give the ring back if you are the one to break off the engagement? Which in this case was her when she slept with other men.

I sure hope she doesn’t eat pork or wear mixed fibers, lest she end up in hell with the rest of us gays.

Like I said in a different thread, this isn’t a joke. She’s setting a very dangerous precedent. What happens when a cop kills two gay men because that is what Leviticus tells him