
Hmm, I read that question very differently than you did. I took hopelessly single to imply these were people who WANTED but could not find a partner.

Why does that survey not have any of the right anwers? It isn’t hard:

Indeed, I would say she should be charged but the “punishment”(if one must call it that) shouldn’t be jail time, that won’t be productive and the fact is that she’s not an ongoing risk to other drivers.

What we CAN do is channel this into something productive, have her appear in some ads or do some sort of awareness

And those people get charged for those mistakes all the time. Really what this will rest on is what exactly she was doing that they have determined to be “unsafe for prevailing conditions”.

From the looks of the pictures(of what I assume is the crash) it seems like this may have been during rain or other wet conditions

You are truly in touch with the kids of today

The point of school is for signalling and to teach people a very narrow way of learning. If it were otherwise we would teach students valuable skills not how to derive a long a complicated formula they will never use.

That aside good on you! Learning and knowing things is important because:

So what’s my excuse! Terrible student and I was a sexless wonder until 20.

Damn it science stop trying to make me look bad

If we let all the white christian girls get abortions or not get pregnant how will we combat the attempt to breed whites into extinction? /s

Worst part is I won’t be surprised if someone makes the same comment but in all seriousness

It's Jezebel, do you really expect them to act kindly or with any class?

First off thank you for being honest :) frequently I hear people rail on about justice.

Why should he? She broke laws that she agreed to upon her enlistment. Tough shit.

How is that in any way “the right thing”? She broke laws that she herself agreed to when she enlisted.

The answer should be for her to be treated fairly and well, not to be given special treatment merely because she has transitioned.

Ok, this is a serious question that I am actually asking. What is the aim with more jail time? Do you think he would become a safer individual(or it is otherwise necessary to keep him away from kids) or do you simply think that he “deserves” it to somehow pay a penance?

Intersting, even at 5 pills that seems like more resources than are necessary for boner pills.

Sorry, I’m not really yelling at you so much as screaming my frustration with this characterization of the drug.

And? This Happened during install which presumably means he was in its guts working on the thing.

That's the most generous way of describing a Big Fucking Troll I ever heard

Uh huh, when the papacy itself was supporting her belief you don't get to apologize it away. Sorry but nope

Since you bring up Viagra it's again worth noting: THIS IS NOR FEMALE VIAGRA. It's a totally different thing

You better watch out, you better no cry, you better not pout....