
How much can there possibly be to do? When I still had roommates(it was me and 4 other guys) I did all the cleaning and most of the cooking and even granted I didn’t do their laundry, seriously how long does it take?

I’m also salaried to do a job, but I discussed expectations of hours with my employer when I got hired.

I get the joke I’ve just never understood it, there are an awful lot of assholes here in Canada’s Texas(otherwise known as Alberta)

Unpaid though. And I am very sad for you that 50 hours is considered average. I am employed to work 40 hours per week, if they want me to work longer than that they can choose to pay me more.

Before you open your mouth you might want to know a thing or two about what you’re talking about.

The fact that you refer to them as monsters means that you have made this an emotional issue, not a rational one. We know a fair bit about brain development, though you don’t seem to be aware of this, and your proclamation


That’s true and I hadn’t really considered it. The mob mentality can carry people away and help them give themselves license to do harm.

I dunno, I would guess that their personal failure to understand consent does more to contribute than the frat itself. But that being said, I was never in a frat in school so I have essentially zero experience with these people.

Yup I've been in that bind. Also I saw after I commented how many others seem to have done the same...oops lol

So they say. After what I’ve seen from police I need some proof

He's alive in the hospital. Not to be insulting but you might want to be informed, these trolls with seize on anything amiss with what we say to cloud the issue

I'm not sure how we got this reputation

Not saying it as a bad thing, it’s a necessity. It results in some negative consequences but overall we must be able to trust that people are being judged fairly.

I’m not sure it’s fair to even call it cheating if the spouse agrees to it

All over this is just dumb dumb dumb

This is going to be the real legacy of the internet: helping nobodies make a name for themselves through the creation of redundant jargon.

Yup, if someone brought this up to me they wouldn’t need to worry about negotiating it as I would be walking away.

Different strokes for different folks I guess

Good question that I want to know the answer to now!

So ethical cheating isn’t cheating? So why call it cheating?

Individual accounts are not of interest to me. I know full well that all cops are not racist or biased, and I know that not all white people are treated well by cops.

Both of these things can be true without detracting from the ultimate fact which is that on average treatment is not the same.

I’m white and I can say