
From what other commenters are claiming she was also a hedge fund manager before the marriage, so you're probably bang on that her earning potential has gone down.

That being said hedge fund managers do not in any single way deserve what they earn. I'd be totally happy to see both these people knocked to real-people


In some, yes, it sounds like this woman had given up her career which does change the math quite a bit.

Just once, the shock and embarrassment of being on the ground with the plebs really messed the poor kid up

Makes sense! I'm constantly surprised by some of the (seemingly) odd institutions you can find in very similar nations

And if you end that partnership why should you continue to collect? Speaking for myself I wouldn't be comfortable taking money from a woman I'm no longer married to, they have earned it and worked for it, why should I get a cut?

Kids are of course a horse of another colour.

We treat marriage as a bond that won't be broken when the reality is a fair number of marriages end in divorce.

Even if they aren't called on more often we are still more likely to speak up, to my endless frustration on conference calls when I can't get a word in edgewise around the 3-4 guys who will dominate the whole convo.

Thanks for your perspective!

And not to forget that how will the child learn that they are better than everyone else if they're forced to stay on the ground like the rest of the plebes

We don't really have this at all in Canada, single-sex for grade/high school exists but I had to google to even find the name of the single women's only college. We have 1 in the whole country.

Not sure what my age has to do with it

I'm torn on this, on the one hand this guy is filthy rich beyond all reason, NOBODY needs to make that much money and he should just suck it up, he will still be rich as fuck.

On the other hand I don't think spouses(and this goes both ways) deserve a single dime of the other's money.

Supporting the child is necessary

I'm sort of curious what the perceived benefits would be? Until now I wasn't even aware that single-sex colleges existed.

Mind. Blown.

There are typically clauses in the initial endowment that dictate that. Failing that I would imagine it will be handed off by the board to another non-profit

I guess this goes hand in hand with white guilt? I don't understand that either, maybe when the revolution comes and us whiteys are thrown down that I'll never have seen it coming

Why would anyone fear payback?? :(

As far as I have had it explained black face is an issue due to historical baggage around how it was used.

It is barbaric, what the commenter failed to realize is that it being barbaric doesn't detract from it being a sport.

This might actually help, studies have correlated first name length and earnings later in life.

People like me here means men, so no. There are plenty of good people and bad people of both gender.

Your trolling ain't workin'

I think if you dig down: every way is a resource war. Even the ones where people claim it's ideology.