
Maybe I have too much faith in people, but I'm white and from where I stand the KKK very clearly fills the definition for terrorist group.

Anyone who disagrees needs to visit a dictionary

The KKK was accused of being a terrorist organization(quite rightly) all the way back in 1870.

And the border between hate group and terrorist organization is a hazy, they're so very close to being the same damn thing

Terrorism isn't about being Muslim or Christian or white, it's about the actions you take to achieve your goal. If you use terror and death, you are a terrorist.

I would argue that anyone who, with no provocation, murders 3 people is in some way damaged. He may not be mentally ill but that doesn't prevent him from being culturally broken, in this case I would guess that it's related to the media coverage of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

In the case of Muslim suicide bombings they

No. Religions have a dogma, Christianity has the Bible, Islam has the Koran and all the Hadith's, these are core ideas that the faithful get behind.

That being said I still wouldn't lay blame for all Muslims at the feet of some arbitrary man or woman, they are only responsible for the things THEY do.

In objective measurable terms newer typically is better, especially with cars.

But the idea that cars should last 20+ years is just absurd and the framing of it being the Evil Car Companies trying to screw us all is not accurate. All we're seeing is the marketplace adapting to the use case that is common for the

Just like welfare fraud investigations that cost more than they save I'm sure that the funding for this won't be going away any time soon.

My mockery is a way for me to feel superior to fans of reality tv, it isn't supposed to be entertaining!

You're confusing quality with capability. It isn't the quality of the iPod that determines longevity, it's the rapid progress of electronics.

Consider this: in 2008 the best commercially available CPU lithography was 45nm, we're at 22nm now. That reduces footprint and power consumption while allowing higher processing

Not sure if serious! Seriously though, I fully refuse to accept responsibility for things I didn't have a hand in.

My responsibility as a white dude is the same as anyone else: aim to make the future better than the past has been.

Just because something works doesn't mean it's optimal or in any way preferable.

I have a toaster that zaps me with a shock every time I put down toast, I guess I should just never replace it because "it works"?

A show of disdain is mockery

Like with anything it's a series of trade-offs, cost of repair will scale upwards with complexity, there's no preventing that. The question is whether or not the utility you get justifies it. Electronics in cars allow for more power, better performance, lower emissions and greater safety.

What you're doing is trying

No what we hate is when you describe it as evil that we've done. I have done no such evil, the only connection I have to those past people and their misdeeds are my skin and the fact that I was baptised as a Catholic.

That aside I don't get the hubub, looking back is a powerful tool for us to learn from the mistakes of

Someone needs to mock the reality tv crowd, come on now. I'm doing god's work /s

I don't get how people can get riled up over these scripted "reality" shows

You call it "conditioned by consumer culture", but I call it pragmatism. Cars are better faster, cleaner, safer and more powerful. Holding onto the past just because is ignoring the very real gains that those of us who are "conditioned" see

Still not sure :/

Sorry, typo, there's supposed to be a "should" in there. As in I'm describing the way it should work.

The lack of justice ultimately comes down to those men and women who are running the system, our legal system certainly has problems but I think it's impossible to overstate how big a weakness having humans involved

Which is why I said it's how it SHOULD work, but sadly not necessarily how it does work in practice.

The simple fact of it is that if you have a strong case and good evidence, you be able to get a conviction. If that isn't happening I don't think the problem is with the idea of a fair trial but rather with the flawed