
Sigh, I expected as much. Trying to be a decent human being sucks, no wonder most people don't bother.

There's also the "right thing" from my own moral perspective which tells me that saying something is the better course of action. She certainly wouldn't be responsible for his actions but I do feel that if we can lessen the suffering of others we should at least consider it, even if that consideration results in no

yeah, I responded to a comment on the initial post that didn't include that caveat, didn't notice it until the comment was already committed to Kinja

That's what I thought I'd hear. I've been doing just that but it's eating away at me to know that others will be at risk with this guy out and about.

Why is doing the right thing so fucking unpleasant?

I know full well it isn't atypical, I read and get depressed by the same news as you do. What I meant by that was not that it's atypical but that is an extreme expression of a good practice, that is taken so far that it's harmful towards the victims.

No I insist that we treat accused like that, it's to ensure that we

Somewhat related to the topic, if anyone has advice I would love to hear it.

My friend shared her experience with me about a month ago, about how she was raped(she did not couch it in these terms) by her now-ex boyfriend. The issue was that he was initiating sex while she was sleeping, she would frequently wake up with

And that is an example of people taking it WAY too far. The bar for evidence should be high, but not insurmountably so. Physical evidence should be where the puck stops.

No, I do not believe that 95% of accused rapists are innocent, I'm sure there are a few innocent people in there but I would have trouble doing the

You're confusing easy for each employee with easy for the whole. And again, efficiency is also in no way a measure of difficulty, it's a different thing altogether.

The fact is that when a system becomes more complex you increase the possible failures points, there are a lot of challenges that mass production

Or perhaps on the correct notion that we must always hold some skepticism for a criminal, it has its flaws but "innocent until proven guilty" has a very good reason to be.

The problem with testimony is the human in the loop, we know from experimentation that eye witness testimony is basically useless.

Thanks for sharing this, I saw it a few days back, a solid read

Just because it gets cheaper doesn't mean it gets EASIER, those are 2 different things

Give the people an awesome voice and it doesn't matter what gender the voice is. Paul Bettany, Douglas Rain or Robert Picardo if possible

This is the first moment I have ever regretted sleeping in english class.

Well yeah, brewing at small scale is always going to be easier. This is just how scaling up production of anything, be it beer or toilet paper, works.

Sorry but no, brewers who refer to themselves as "craft" and disparage a larger scale operation are just assholes. Nothing is worse than the guy who will spend an hour telling me why his beer is better than mine.

Craft beer has made me hate this fucking beverage even more than the flavour already did.

Or people who are using it as a technically correct term. In colloquial use yeah, it's often out of place and just wrong, but if you're using it correctly it's not in and of itself misogynistic. Context and tone is really the determining factor, not the word itself.

Example: breaking out the results in a medical study

Why are they assholes for expecting that the same basic courtesy(of viewing the other person as a person) be granted to them as well?

Do unto others and all that

Where were the hateful men? Did I miss something?

You sure showed him. But seriously, everyone does this, I have heard much on what women find unattractive, I am coming to the conclusion that most people believe that they have a useful opinion(and no, generally they do not)