The article is, but I am responding in this thread which is about a different thing. You'll also notice that I didn't start the thread, I was responding to someone else's question
The article is, but I am responding in this thread which is about a different thing. You'll also notice that I didn't start the thread, I was responding to someone else's question
I'm not saying it's the same exact thing, I'm saying that the core issue is the same. Way to twist my words, a much better way to describe it would be saying that stabbing someone with a needle is still a form of assault, just as stabbing someone with a full on sword is assault.
Secondly, I never compared it to FGM,…
No, they're just a troll. Read their responses to me, they aren't even bothering to read comments that disagree with them. That's trolltown if I ever saw it
Let me ask a serious question. Is date rape different from the typical imagined rape scenario(dragged into a bush by a stranger)? Would you say that date rape is ok or preferable because this worse form of it exists?
No sensible person would try to make that argument, because the problem is the lack of consent and the…
There's a difference in OUTCOMES, there isn't a difference in the initial offence, which was to alter another's body without consent.
It isn't about what they took off, it's that they felt they had the right to take it at all. That is where my main issue comes from, the entitlement to other's bodies and this feeling…
Because you are still mutilating someone else's body without their permission or understanding.
Measuring the "badness" of male circumcision vs FGM isn't about outcomes, that part is really just not very relevant. What matters is that circumcision for either sex is an act of destroying a part of THEIR body, or taking…
You are absolutely right, I don't think of it very much but it does sink in, and sadly our brains don't remember where or from whom we learned things, so we just accept it
Yes but it's the age difference that is the creepy part, not anything else men have done. 19 seems like practically a child from where I stand(27), I can't imagine what a 42 year old would possibly want with such a SO
It isn't past history of men that makes it creepy, it's the act itself.
I don't know if I would call it creepy, though I would definitely question their motivation
I'm going to have to disagree, if it's considered creepy on one side it is creepy both ways.
I'm not exactly sure what the historical treatment of women has to do with anything
Thanks for the info, I'm also at work and didn't want to search it out for the exact same reason.
I'll have to hunt it down this evening
I don't *need* to get it but I always like to try and understand people's choices, especially if it's one that immediately makes me go "But why?".
I missed this article, what was the rationale?
It is somewhat strange, I certainly don't cheer for 40yo men I know who are dating teenagers
I'm genuinely curious why older men looking for younger women are branded as creepy and this woman is praised for the same behaviour. Because, to your point, what could these two people possible have in common?
They can do as they please but I sure don't understand it
Many comments in and you haven't explained how she is being an asshole. By having hair? HOW DARE SHE.
And we always know that our stereotypical experiences are always correct right? This is the same argument I hear from racists who want to justify it.
I'm very super serious(seriously). I'm pretty terrible at relationships so I don't have tons of experience and have never had a woman ask me that question, but I can't see why it would be a problem.
The stereotype that men are skittish creatures who spook at the first sight of commitment is old and needs to die
Not to mention that stopping sex selective abortions is basically impossible. It isn't practical or ethical to coerce everyone getting an abortion to disclose why, so any law will be utterly in the dark
Because each generation passes on their shitty ideas to the next. Repeat ad infinitum and what do you have? A supremely sick society