I'd assume this would be controlled by a guy inside the ship it's mounted on. Just like most naval guns are already.
I'd assume this would be controlled by a guy inside the ship it's mounted on. Just like most naval guns are already.
We don't know.
Just so you know, that was from The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan, not Dawkins.
"We all know that energy can't be destroyed so brain [or psychic] energy has to go somewhere when the body becomes unable to host it any longer."
I'm not going to bother with your first two points, as they demonstrate an unbelievable amount of ignorance in regards to very basic concepts, logic for example: Laws do not dictate the physical world, the physical world dictates the laws. Your second point: Really? Is this a troll?
I just started my second playthrough of ME2 after finishing my second playthrough of ME1 (it's going to be hell doing a whole new run once ME3 is out...)
I've been playing on a friends PS3, so bots only, but that's convinced me to buy the game for PC.
I'm not sure you understand genetics too well...
I don't understand posts like this, newspapers and magazines would always have little articles with nothing but a photo and a caption, so why shouldn't we translate that into web media?
Embrace Uncertainty!
If she's a member of ASCAP, then she pays through her membership fees.
I thought it would be cool to combine the two systems, have it so that you only need to change clips if your gun overheats.
My mum bought herself a PS3 a little while ago, and the only game she had for a while was COD4.
As a former chantard I'd like to explain how the process of organising an attack usually goes.
You don't notice the bars because you only focus on the middle monitor, the two side monitors are your peripheral vision.
No, just no.
Dude, calm down.
I was scrolling down, and I was like, "She's not that ho... uhh adflkaetyhngjjn."
Is that a Day of the Tentacle reference!? Definitely the winner.