@Amp: Obsidian.
@Amp: Obsidian.
Two words
Hmmm, wonder if I could stick some bass stings on there and tune it down a few octaves...
Do you really think that choosing to delete something would actually delete it? No that would be much too simple.
You want to know a really stupid tale of criminal activity?
The USB Controller does not have enough bandwidth for the USB Composite Device!
So you're finally starting to catch up with New Zealand?
I kind of wish developers would release beta/alpha builds of games like this for people to mess around with.
That's not "The Rocker"!
What should be rule number 1: Check that they are actually entitled to increase your rent. Check your local tenancy laws, and your tenancy agreement for clauses about when, and by how much, rent increases can occur.
I want to give you my money Rockstar, why won't you let me?
When I was in japan in 2004 I bought pokemon emerald, and I'm proud to say I played through the entire thing, without knowing hardly a word of Japanese.
Pics... of what?
After watching Louis Theroux's documentary about infomercials I have new found respect for the hosts on these things.
Argh, the game just threw me a giant cluster of blocks that I accidentally moved one block over to the side!
The icons only are smaller than the text only, and you get rid of the favicons from your bookmarks.
That's it, I'm buying Portal 2.
Refuting a study with an anecdote? Nice.
Woo for PAYE.
I loved Jade Empire, well what I remember of it, it was so long ago.