
Sorry, I already spent my money on a copy of SSX 3 after the Deadly Descents trailer came out...

You can't subpoena someone in another country.

You seem to know a lot about serial killing "Dr. Nemmo", if that is your real name...

As in synthesizer.

Sounds more like knob to me, representing the male genitalia.

I will never understand why GW called Ork leaders "nobs"

I made this post over a month ago, iPad 1 was bought and jailbroken :)

I have a peach tree in my yard that has similar blossoms, and when it blooms my house gets absolutely covered in flowers, its pretty awesome.

The Cydia store however...

Act 2 was always the worst, the Sewers at the start always screwed me over with poison.

Okay, now whats the price for a PC that you put together yourself?

The way I see it is most console gamers own a PC anyway, even if they don't use it for gaming.

Yeah, my iPad is great for productivity, I've read like 20 comics in the back of lectures, and I've only had it a few days.

I just picked up an iPad 1 at the lower price and i'm loving it (posting with it now), it was actually quite hard to find a store that had any stock left for the 16gb wi-fi model, students are buying loads of them.

It was taken from the administration building, and it's a minimum-high security prison, minimum security inmates get more luxuries.

@deafblindmute: I think most people (especially PC players who hadn't played BC1) didn't realise that the BC games weren't "proper" Battlefield games, they were supposed to be smaller, arcadier, and feature a singleplayer campaign that wasn't just bots.